Medical Moment: Bee Stings

Dr. Diana Koelliker, Medical Director of Emergency Services & Telluride EMS Director

Medical Moment: Bee Stings

Telluride Inside… and Out is proud to feature the Telluride Medical Center’s MEDICAL MOMENT, a weekly column that answers common medical questions in pop culture. Have a question for the doctors? Click here to send.

Dr. Diana Koelliker, Medical Director of Emergency Services & Telluride EMS Director

Dr. Diana Koelliker, Medical Director of Emergency Services & Telluride EMS Director

Dr. Diana Koelliker answers this week’s question:  How dio you manage a bee string?

If you have ever had a severe allergic reaction to a prior bee sting or if you begin to experience severe symptoms (hives all over your body, swelling of the mouth or throat, difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath or wheezing, chest pain, fainting, etc.), immediately call 911 and/or use an EpiPen.

Luckily, severe reactions are rare, but they can be serious and even fatal.

Most bee stings in non-allergic persons require little more than first aid at home.

First, try to remove the stinger if it is still present.  You can use a credit card by scraping it over the surface or a pair of tweezers.

The method of removal doesn’t matter as much as trying to remove the stinger quickly.

Applying ice to the sting site can provide some symptomatic relief, but be sure to have some sort of barrier (like a washcloth) between the ice and your skin.

Consider taking an antihistamine (like diphenhydramine or Benadryl) to reduce the itching and swelling. You may also take Ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) or Acetaminophen (Tylenol) for pain relief.

If it has been more than 10 years since your last Tetanus shot, you should see your doctor in the next 2-3 days to get a Tetanus booster.

Wash the sting site with soap and water and apply antibiotic ointment.  Watch for signs of infection, which can develop in the next 2-3 days. Frequently, bee stings will result in impressive local reactions (redness, swelling, warmth, etc.) and can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from a bacterial infection. If you have doubt, see your primary care provider.

If you develop severe symptoms like those listed above, seek medical care.

You should also seek medical attention if you sustain more than 10-20 stings at one time or if you’re stung in the mouth, throat or directly in the eyeball.

If you do experience a severe allergic reaction to bee stings, consider carrying a an EpiPen. Your doctor can prescribe this for you. Your doctor may even recommend allergy shots.






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