23 May Telluride Arts: Small Grants Awarded
This spring, 28 artists from the Telluride region requested funds from the Telluride Arts/CCAASE Small Grants program to support creative projects that forward their work.
Proposals are selected first and foremost based on the quality of the work , along with the artists’ plan to share their output with the Telluride community through a performance, publication, exhibit, screening and other criteria.
A peer panel of artists representing multiple disciplines assembled in April, and awarded eight artists $8,000. The process is extremely competitive, respectful and rigorous, facilitated by staff that otherwise has no input. A panel reviews applications and then meets for most of a day to review and carefully evaluate the proposals.
Small grants support the innovation, creativity and professional development of individual artists living in the Telluride region. The small grants program is a program of CCAASE administered by Telluride Arts, that provides funding for individual artists working in the visual media, performing and literary arts.
Project Title: Future Artifacts of Fashion and Telluride MakerLab
Project Description: While the world of design and manufacturing moves toward a reality of 3D printed everything from mountain bike parts to edible proteins, some of these same technologies have come down in price in the form of desktop 3D printing. My goal is to purchase a MakerBot Replicator affordable desktop 3D printer, which I will use for my own personal development as an artist, as well as enabling me to work with students in a mentorship capacity to produce digital sculpture and designed artifacts that bridge the gap between 2D and 3D work. These pieces then will be shown to the public both on the runway at the 2015 Telluride AIDS Benefit and in a Tele-Sculpture show at the Telluride Art Walk in the spring of 2015.
Project Title: Printing of Photography book: TELLURIDE / The Outlaw Spirit of a Colorado Town
Project Description: I need to cover the cost of the First Edition printing of “Telluride/The Outlaw Spirit of a Colorado Town.” This is a photo/history/art/fun book about Telluride “from the YX Years On.” It contains over 500 photos from 1978 til now, with an emphasis on visuals from the 1980s-1990s. Each image is titled. Many are additionally captioned. Each chapter has a fun lead story, written by me. I also wrote the Intro, “The YX Years.”
Project Description: In 2013, I lost my best friend of 34 years, when she died unexpectedly of a massive stroke. THE SPACE BETWEEN YOU AND ME is an exploration of our friendship, our separations and our coming together, over a span of what seemed like a lifetime. THE SPACE BETWEEN YOU AND ME will be a large scale, outdoor, hanging sculpture installation with multiple chains spanning two tall poles. The chains will have thousands of clear pieces of brightly colored Plexiglass, acrylic and recycled plastic bits, all suspended in gradating colors of red, orange, pink, yellow and purple that will sway and ripple in the wind. The sculpture installation will be created to coincide with Art and Architecture Weekend.
Project Title: Brand New Thing Music Video
Project Description: I plan to complete a music video to accompany the song, “Brand New Thing,” an original composition of mine, recorded under the alias Apoc. The music video will be a collaborative effort between local filmmaker Scott Upshur and myself. This will mark the second time Scott and I have worked together on a music video, after the success of 2013’s “Put Your Horns On Me” video, which has accrued nearly 70,000 YouTube views in less than 10 months and been posted and written about on a number of prominent online music and culture publications. “Brand New Thing” is a hip-hop track with a trap-influenced beat that acts as a sonic reminder of the materialistic brand of southern hip hop that has come to dominate mainstream rap culture in recent years.
Project Title: Moving Poetry
Project Description: “It is not easy to get the news from poems,” wrote William Carlos Williams, “but men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there.”
Most people have very little connection with poetry. But as Williams suggests, there are riches there. So as a poet, I ask myself, how can poetry find a wider audience? How can poetry be more accessible, more engaging, more vital? Film. I am proposing to do a series of video poems with local filmmaker Suzan Beraza. It is new territory for both of us, and we are excited about the possibilities of seeing what can happen when we break the cages of convention.
Project Title: Intro to Conservation Photography Workshop
Project Description: Telluride has many historic landmarks and areas and I believe it is of great importance to record its rich past. With conservation photography becoming a practice that is being done not only by professionals but hobbyists s well, there has never been this level of awareness, interest and accessibility. I am proposing to conduct a one-day, full-day workshop which teaches introductory conservation photography.
Visit www.telluridearts.org for more information.
About Telluride Arts:
Telluride Arts has been supporting the arts and artists since 1971. For more information please find us 970.728.3930, Telluride Arts.org, or on Facebook, Twitter or at the Telluride Arts Offices located in the Stronghouse at 283 South Fir Street in Telluride.
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