23 May ALACAZEM 2014.05.22
May 22 to 29, 2014 Visible Planets:Morning: Venus Evening: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
As a young teenager, I can remember sitting on the front lawn outside our Denver home on Forest Street, in pink and turquoise twilight, observing the celestial pairing of a slender crescent Moon with brilliant Venus, that night’s “evening star.” The balmy summer air embraced me, I was taken by the world’s natural beauty, the mystical magnificence of the moment, the magical wonder of the stars.
I went inside to get a sketchpad and some crayons. I drew the scene in dusky twilight, and at the bottom I wrote: “Someday, I can share this.” My heart was filled with romance, creative hopes and dreams. The road of life stretched out before me, unwritten, blank pages waiting for a pen.
Today I live in southwestern Colorado. I have traded the Rocky Mountain Front Range setting-sun horizon for the sky-island uprise of the La Sal Mountains in southeastern Utah. The slender crescent Moon and brilliant Venus still pair up in western twilight, and I am still enchanted by their stunning, celestial beauty. And, yes, someday is here.
This week, the magical, mystical dance of Venus and the slender, waning crescent Moon can be observed above the eastern horizon in morning twilight, before dawn. Peace and starlight, enjoy the show.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) Mars direct and the Sun’s entrance into Gemini portend a period of forward motion regarding important relationships and personal goals. Like it or not, we must work with others to get things done. Take responsibility for your actions and persevere, no matter what. Focus on patience and progress. Simply do the next right thing, one day and moment at a time.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) The world turns and the Bull works. And this month, it’s all about self-improvement and self-care. Are you paying attention to what you are eating, thinking and feeling? The body-mind-spirit connection is huge now; holistic living is where it’s at. Rediscover what you already know: the Mother Earth gives you everything you need. Self-nurture and relax.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Your Happy Birthday month begins with a subtle but major shift of energy and consciousness. Mars direct in your solar 5th house of the creative kindles fires of heartfelt inspiration and revelation. You can and will make it through those forests of darkness, distress and despair. Emotions are like the weather; everything changes. Sunshine follows rain.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) The April eclipse cycle, cardinal grand cross and fifth exact square of Uranus and Pluto have pulled us down to news depths of awakening and realization. We can no longer ignore the dramatic effects humanity has upon the Mother Earth: ignorance is no longer bliss. As a true champion of life and sustaining life, do what you can. Baby steps are giant steps.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) Motivational Mars going direct in fair-minded Libra – your solar 3rd house of perception, thought and communication – encourages action when it comes to relationships. You may suddenly want to tell someone how you feel or go for a visit. And there is no time like the present. Get out the maps, study the atlas and pack your bags. Open your eyes, enjoy the sights.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) Good news comes this week via a renewed sense of commitment when it comes to accepting responsibility and taking action. Rather that waste time thinking about what you could or should have done, just do it. There is plenty of job security wherever you look. Improve yourself; your home and your environment by doing things that make you feel good. Enjoy!
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) The 3-month period of Mars retrograde has come to an end and you can now look forward to daily progress and new territory regarding personal self, goals and agendas. Take a deep breath and recognize the beauty of patience. Our dynamically changing Universe seeks resolution amidst creative chaos as we create future karma in the now. Be present, go forth.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Angels and guardian spirits have been tough on stubbornly fixed Scorpions this year. With Saturn retrograde in your sign, you’ve been forced to face things you did not want to face, make amends and get serious about personal responsibility. That said, this is a tremendously powerful time of your life and the angels love you. Make good choices.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) As the Sun enters Gemini, your opposite sign, you may feel motivated to connect with people you find attractive, inspirational and/or enlightening. Put on a happy face and get out and about in your world and neighborhood. Friends and fellowship motivate and encourage exploration and discovery. Think out of the box while taking care of the basics.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) Mars direct in your solar 10th house of achievement and recognition lights fires of desire when it comes to personal goals and aspirations. As you see the wild and wonderful world of potential and possibility in our ever-expanding Universe, you may feel motivated to make some very sweeping changes regarding work, livelihood and relationships. Keep the ball rolling.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) As the Sun moves into Gemini, your solar 5th house of the heart, you may feel more creative, amorous and romantic than you have in months. Inspiration and aspiration are allies now. Express yourself in word and deed when it comes to those you love. Also find time for fun and recreational activities. All work and no play, you know how it goes.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) The Sun now in Gemini and the forward motion of Mars in Libra combine in an air-filled bubble or balloon of ideas, perceptions and thoughts regarding others. Communication, justice, honesty, equality and balance are themes. Also strong is the desire to improve yourself and your domestic environment. Enjoy your home and take good care of you.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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