Alacazem 2014.05.01

Alacazem 2014.05.01

May 1 to 8, 2014  Visible Planets:Morning: Venus, Saturn Evening: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter

Following several cool days and very cold nights, with highs in the 40’s and lows in the 20’s, it has finally warmed up. The weather today was glorious. I am encouraged.

For me, life is equally miracle and mystery. So much magnificence, and so much sorrow. The world and Universe in which we live and breathe is a chaotically creative dance of polarity and duality, a multi-verse of yin and yang, black and white, shades of grey and fabulously vibrant and mystically muted color. I am gifted and blessed. I can walk and breathe, sleep and eat. I am humbled by the abundance of our Mother Earth. I am grateful for what I am given daily for sustenance and survival.

VPP-elbo46040As the lusty month of May begins, we find ourselves on the front side of a prolonged warming trend. Planting seeds, transplanting starts, watering gardens, nurturing life, staying present, maintaining inner peace and doing the best I can are themes. We have just now experienced the first two eclipses of 2014, and weathered the cosmic storm. The powerful and full-of-challenge-and-change grand cardinal cross, involving planets Pluto [Capricorn], Uranus [Aries], Jupiter [Cancer] and Mars [Libra] is still in orb. We are on the back side of the snap-crackle-pop of upset and rather explosive, stress-filled emotions, doubts and fears that come with uncertainty. New territory is both exciting and scary.

tulips3flowers tulipsI find solace and comfort these days in nature, good books and sweet surrender. Life’s most simple pleasures. And yet, I’m still willing to fight for right and do what I can to remain strong and courageous. Of course, it doesn’t always work.

Here’s to a month of emerging flowers, embracing warmth, calming days and starry nights. May we find peace and walk in beauty.

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) Moving forward at a slower pace than you might like or prefer is best now, and for many reasons. Taurus energy favors practical realism, patience and focus. Breathe deep, take life one day at a time and practice the arts of daily structure and self-discipline. Replace impulse and indulgence with caution and discernment. Perseverance furthers.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) Cakes are cut and candles lit as the Bull celebrates another revolution around the Sun. Congratulations! You are here on this magnificent planet Earth, living and breathing, touching and feeling. Awaken to the sensational world surrounding you and enjoy it! Gratitude is the path to grace; you are blessed and fortunate. Know it, see it, embrace it. Good work!

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Mental Mercury, moves through the final degrees of Taurus this week, illuminating themes of silence, meditation and prayer. Pay attention to internal dialogues and take note of repetitive thought patterns and recurring fears. What fuels self-doubt and suffering? As you prepare for birthday rebirth, be kind and gentle to yourself. Practice forgiveness and cultivate compassion.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) As good luck, good will, abundance-loving planet Jupiter transits the middle degrees of Cancer, take a good, long look around your life. Consider the multi-dimensional options and opportunities surrounding you. Choices are many and you may feel challenged deciding which way to go. Simply go in the directions that feel good. Follow your heart.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22) Others may request the honor of your presence, ask for guidance or simply want you to take them out and about. Whatever the manifestation, you are popular, in demand, in the public eye, being watched and admired. As one who doesn’t mind the spotlight, you may be flattered. Just make sure you’re taking care of you. Otherwise, watch out!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) As ruler Mercury moves from earthy Taurus into fickle, flexible Gemini, you may feel somewhat unsettled and uncertain of yourself and others. Move back into the security and stability of your physical body via daily walks and exercise, nutritious food and general routines of self-betterment. Clean your house, touch the earth, plant a garden.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) As Mercury moves into fellow air-sign Gemini this week, you may discover that reading books and exploring spiritually infused teachings uplifts and inspires your awakening, enlightenment and well-being. There are many paths and many masters. The joy of learning and the reward of expanding personal awareness are amazing gifts that keep your heart open and spirit free.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Motivator Mars retrograde in Libra, your solar 12th house of the unconscious may have you lost in a netherland of dreams or seeking an idealistic, impractical solution to a long-standing problem or unsolvable dilemma. Many things – most things – are out of your control. But, one thing you can control – that is you. Surrender, accept and work on improving you.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) Voluptuous Venus in Pisces continues attracting beauty and pleasure to your door, physically and metaphorically. All you need to do is see the beauty. Where might you be blocking your own happiness and well-being? How can you be more present and proactive in your own self-betterment and physical, emotional and spiritual health? It’s holistic. Nurture body, mind and spirit.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) You may find yourself re-working your professional goals and paths of achievement as action-oriented Mars continues its retrograde journey through your solar 10th house of career and social standing. What do you value? How do you define success? Who do you admire? Taurus energy encourages heartfelt creativity. Embrace your creative spirit and follow its direction.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) The Taurus zodiac month favors a stay-at-home approach to life, taking care of personal business and working on a day-to-day basis to make your immediate environment a healthier, happier place to live and thrive. By focusing on what’s in front of you, remaining present and simply doing the next right thing, you will succeed. Perseverance furthers.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) Good things come to those who nurture and follow their hearts, the trick is in stopping the chatter of internal dialogues to hear the quiet wisdom and inner peace of the silence within. As the Taurus Sun moves through your solar 3rd house of perception and thought, pay attention to the way you process information and the emotions that manifest as a result. And relax, it’s all good.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @









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