08 Apr Healthy Smoothies
We make a smoothies almost every morning to jump-start our day, and so we are constantly looking for new spins on an old theme. Check out these five great recipes from HuffPost Healthy Living.
When’s the last time you really considered what a culinary marvel the smoothie is? Think about it — you can literally put a head of kale, an entire banana, half a box of strawberries, and a cup of yogurt into a blender, and get something you can slurp down in no time at all. And unlike with fruit juices, you don’t lose any fiber from the fruits and vegetables — it’s just in a more “sippable” form. (Plus, it’s nice to know you could be lowering your risk of premature death as you enjoy your concoction.)
To celebrate the smoothie, we asked nutrition and fitness experts to share their favorite recipes (and just in time for spring!). Check out five of them below.
Editor’s note: We added a few ice cubes to each of these recipes to make them thicker, but feel free to add or omit ice cubes per your taste preference!…
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