11 Apr ALACAZEM 2014.04.10
April 10 to 17, 2014 Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus, Saturn Evening: Mars, Jupiter
Wow! Here we are on the precipice of an enormously daunting cosmic cliff. Do we jump and test our ability to fly, soaring above the jagged rocks and raging rivers below, tapping into the brave heart of courage and confidence; or do we stand frozen, on the edge of a perceptual, perpetual darkness, paralyzed by fear and overwhelmed by the dangers lurking amongst shadows of doubt, deceit, depression and despair?
Chances are, we don’t have time to make a choice. It is something more like instinct. It is an almost sink or swim time now for us humans here on Earth. The stakes are high, and action will happen – is happening – with or without our well-thought-out, all-too-slow coming-to-the-table of awakening consciousness. Whether we jump and fly or stand frozen and die depends upon our individual, innate ability to intuit, react and act. And we must act quickly and consistently, combining the electric light of truth-loving Uranus in self-fueled Aries with the powerful, obsessive passion of Pluto in commitment-oriented Capricorn.
Also in orb and at work are the forces of flight-or-fight Mars in peace-loving Libra in square aspect to expansive, good-luck planet Jupiter in maternal, nurturing Cancer. Throw in a full Moon total lunar eclipse at midnight on April 14th/15th in the “me vs. us” Aries/Libra polarity, and we have a dynamic, snap-crackle-pop cardinal grand cross, illuminated and intensified by the celestial [inner and outer] lights of soul [Moon] and spirit [Sun] that promises to rock the heavens and rumble the Earth with plenty of shake, rattle and roll.
Cardinal grand crosses always indicate – for everyone – a facing, balancing and taking action process – ultimately awakening and change – in the areas of personal self and desires [Aries], significant others and important commitments [Libra], family, security and family of origin issues [Cancer], and last – but certainly not least – our chosen professional or career path, including goals, achievements, social standing and life ambitions [Capricorn].
That’s a lot to take in, and as I mentioned, it’s an enormously daunting cosmic cliff upon which to stand. Especially when we look at it through the global and universal lenses. What can we do? Does it even matter? Can I make a difference?
Bottom line: Awaken to your personal part – the part you play in this unfolding evolutionary, cosmic drama – identify your individual responsibilities, gifts and talents and then simply do your best to contribute what you can via good intention, right action and enlightened consciousness, one day and one moment at a time. By living in the present, embracing the now, knowing we are no better or no worse than anyone else here on planet Earth, we can be the change we want the world to be. Big or little, large or small, we are all being called upon to be a part of the solution, not the problem. Simply do what you know is right. Good luck and God bless…
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) A dynamic full Moon total lunar eclipse takes place at midnight on April 14th/15th in the Aries-Libra polarity. This heralds a point of dramatic clarification regarding your personal self and life in relation to others, your place in society, profession, home and family. Embrace the great potential for change and correction, as you are now the agent of change.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) As the Sun and Moon move align in the exact opposition of a total lunar eclipse, breathe deep and follow your heart. Each side of the celestial teeter-totter is carrying the heavy weight of companion planets and asteroids, making the dynamics unusually powerful and intense. Acceptance and surrender are allies, and for now, the wisest choice.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) An overload of celestial bodies in the Aries-Libra polarity may have you fired up and ready to express yourself when it comes to all matters of the heart. Ceres tightly conjunct the Moon brings crucial environmental, food and feminine power issues to the fore, impelling concern and right action. Gather forces and resources, focus on solutions and do what you can.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Prepare to ride the biggest wave of change in 2014 this week as the Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and several asteroids align in a cardinal grand cross total solar eclipse. And as a cardinal sign yourself; expect to feel the powerful punch of personal awakening in every aspect of your life. Keep your eyes and heart open, ride the tide and go with the flow.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) You may find it difficult and downright mind-boggling to wrap your head around the myriad of possibilities and probabilities facing you now, so instead, just let it go. Life is a magical mystery tour at best, and you are the traveler on a journey of love. Open your heart and breathe deep. Focus on goodness and experience grace. Then help others see the light.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) You may be called upon this week to mediate, negotiate or simply bring calm to a rather stormy sea as lunar and solar lights illuminate issues of personal ability and responsibility. The main goal and challenge now is to stay calm, practice patience and cultivate compassion with others as new information exposes hidden issues and intimacies. Keep cool, take it easy.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) Finding the ballast in the storm, keeping it all in balance and increasing the overall stability of your personal, family and love life are themes this week. Others may expect or request your presence at social, professional or political gatherings. Do your best to attend, but do not forfeit inner peace, physical or emotional well-being. Nurture compassion and calm.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Vesta and Ceres conjunct the Moon in Libra and oppose the Sun and Juno in Aries this week, amplifying feminine themes and illuminating the abuse, murder, inequality and inequity of women worldwide. Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars force exposition of the painful, deep, dark truth. As spiritual warrior and champion of light, help the sick and heal the wounded.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) Swords clash and sabers rattle in the battle of yin and yang, dark and light, good and evil as a dynamically powerful celestial gathering of planets and asteroids conflict and collide in a tsunami of rising tides and cataclysmic awakening, change and transformation. As a bodhisattva of the Aquarian Age, arm yourself with openhearted courage, compassion and goodness.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) The futility of fighting for dominance and the illusion of wielding power over anyone or anything are themes as celestial lights illuminate the treachery, treason and torture born of absolute power and dictatorship. Whether it’s the world stage or the home front, check yourself and others for patterns and behaviors of misuse and abuse. Truth is your ally, use it.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) The cosmic directive for more co-creative partnerships with each other and our Mother Earth is emphasized this week as planets gather and feminine asteroids chatter. We must join force to thrive and survive. The world and all life upon it is at risk, it’s time to face the truth and do something about it. Eclipse energy is shaking you to awake. Awaken.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) A rare, tight cardinal grand cross takes center-stage in an Aries-Libra full Moon midnight total lunar eclipse this week, signaling a time of major breakthroughs and breakdowns. Keywords for this extraordinary combo are courage and collaboration, ingenuity and integrity. It’s unmistakably clear what’s working and what must radically change. Be an agent of change.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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