03 Apr ALACAZEM 2014.04.03
April 3 to 10, 2014 Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn Evening: Jupiter
Last year at this time, I was writing about the same thing I am writing about today – the Pluto-Uranus square and the wild, celestial battle it constellates in our ethereal and physical realms.
While checking the dates of the seven exact Pluto-Uranus squares taking place from June 26 2012 to March 17 2015, I decided to reference a column I had written previously about this extremely dynamic, difficult, awakening and metamorphic long-term planetary transit. Just so happens I went to the column of April 3, 2013. And guess what I found? The exact verbage I wanted to find, plus a heartfelt homage to my favorite New Age comic book heroine, Wonder Woman.
I have decided to reprint it in its entirety – sans the Sun sign forecasts – which are, of course, new, up-to-the-minute and ready to roll for NOW. Here it is…
This is the last week I’ll be featuring Wonder Woman as a feminine icon of the Aquarian Age – at least for a while. As my new fantasy sister-in-arms and comic book comadre, she has been a much welcomed and long-awaited muse. Running into her on the Internet, researching her history and discovering the plethora of fabulous, magnificently imaginative and stunning artistic illustrations of her – created over a period of 70 years! – has been fun, entertaining and inspirational. Her presence of spirit is one of yin comfort and yang motivation. As one of America’s first feminists, WW holds the key to my heart. And, just like Uranus-Pluto, she may go out-of-sight, disappear, exit the radar screen, hide out and even go underground, but she will not be going away.
Uranus-Pluto, in its present square aspect, constellates the celestial battle of yin and yang, dark and light, good and evil. We all know the futility of fighting for dominance – physical, financial, sexual, psychological, spiritual, mental or material – and the illusion of wielding power over, well, anyone or anything. It may feel empowering at times, or like it is working as a means to an end, but it really does not work at all. Forcing solutions on problems creates more problems. And even if new problems aren’t immediately apparent, they are seething underground, beneath the superficial surface of the new, enforced regime.
Our Universe seeks balance and resolution. Sunshine follows rain, it is darkest before dawn and it’s always calm before the storm. Everywhere we go on this magnificent planet Earth, we see the dance of Sun and Moon, stars and sky, river and ocean, bird and beast. We, as humans, want to grasp it all, hold it tight, never let go of what makes us feel good, makes us happy, secure and at peace. We seek the comfort of feeling worthwhile, significant in this wildly vast cosmic dream. And yet, in our hearts and souls, in our deepest inner knowing, we know we are nothing, like grains of sand or dust in the wind. Here and there, ultimately, gone in another tomorrow.
Throughout history, there have been kings and queens, benevolent rulers and brutal dictators. Peoples have lived and thrived, suffered and perished. Those in power, and those who rise to power, attempt to keep their power, and often go to great lengths to maintain it. In the name of…
And this is what Uranus-Pluto is all about: the function of self-awakening via a long, painful process of ego-busting, emotional suffering caused by a passionate attachment to power and self-will. The correct use of will and power, the use and misuse of power, enlightenment through truth, and the eternally karmic equations of action and consequence are themes. Whether we are looking at these times through our personal lens of emotion and experience or the global, collective, cosmic lens, we are fighting a battle of love and kindness, where we must discover and cultivate our own inner goodness and use it as a weapon against abuse, injustice, killing, the destruction of life and the desecration of what is sacred.
I’m asking Wonder Woman to help me, what about you?
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) Last year at this time you were facing the snap, crackle, pop of radical, revolutionary personal change that only Uranus can bring. Of course, the dynamic cardinal square from seething Pluto made sure it would be deep, metamorphic change. Nothing superficial here. And the process continues. Keep the faith in truth, right action and self-discipline.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) As you move toward the year’s first eclipse, pay close attention to the invisible and spiritual, magical and mysterious energies and events that you feel, experience and encounter. As a practical pragmatist, you prefer to focus on the facts. But what about intention and intuition? How important are they in the outcome of a situation? Relax, observe and intuit.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) As the Sun joins force with explosive Uranus in the zodiac’s first and most impulsive sign, either hold on to your hat or let it go flying with the wild wind of change. New dreams, hopes and visions ride shotgun on the metaphysical journey forward. Old shapes and structures no longer uplift and inspire you. It’s time to expand, explore, discover and grow. Embrace it.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) The ecliptic window opens wide this week to let the raucous winds of Uranian change and awakening blow through your heart and soul. Meanwhile, seductive Pluto pulls you down and deep, past buried childhood memories and coming-of-age emotions. This is powerful stuff and deserves both attention and process. Honor feelings and healing.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) As Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn cue up for their fifth of seven exact squares, the Moon inches closer to the first lunar eclipse of the year. This translates as a time of great electromagnetic pull and intensity, when everything seems to have more importance and impact. Do your best to keep cool and maintain balance. Be the saint, guru and wise one.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) Restlessness and issues of individual freedom emerge this week as planets align in snap, crackle, pop, push and pull energies of awakening. Erratic behaviors, quick quips and bold moves are par for the course, especially regarding others. Personal breakthroughs are possible if you are willing to let go of pride, ego and open to new ways of seeing and being.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) Balance is your dictum and peace is your ally. Conflict and violence are contrary to both. As the zodiac’s preeminent diplomat, tap into your inherent natural talents of negotiation, cooperation and equanimity as you breathe deep and follow your heart. Emotions are like the weather, no feeling is final. Cultivate the wisdom of acceptance and the art of calm.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) As your modern planetary ruler Pluto gears up for its 5th exact square with Uranus, prepare heart and head via a daily practice of acceptance, meditation and prayer. Forgiveness and surrender are themes these days, and as hard as it is to do it, both are essential to your current health and wealth. Holding on to resentment and anger is lethal. Let go and live free.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) Sudden awakenings may spur impetuous action this week as flutters of planetary influence dart and dive in a dangerous dance of pride, ego, freedom and self-will. Practice the art of vigilance as you keep an open eye on your thoughts, words, emotions, actions and deeds. You are the star of the show in your own life story. How well are you playing the part?
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) You may awaken to a strong sense of anticipation as April’s power-packed cosmic alignments draw closer. And because you have become familiar with the deep, metamorphic, transformational energetic of Pluto over the last several years, you are well prepared for whatever comes to pass. Armed with truth, stand as a leader and example of strength and wisdom.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Voluptuous Venus moves through the last degrees of Aquarius this week and bids adieu to the romantic journey upon which she has been companions and paramour. No worries, it is time for support in arenas of personal creativity and material production. Expansion is a theme in established places and projects. Practice patience and focus on progress.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) As Mercury marches through the final degrees of Pisces, put finishing touches on springtime plans, upcoming trips and personally important projects. Good news: Venus is coming to visit for a month-long stay. Prepare for several weeks of enhanced creativity, beauty and romantic attraction amidst a rather exciting, chaotic world. Relax and enjoy the joy.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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