19 Mar Gus Kenworthy: Golden Moment in Telluride for Silver Medalist
Parade and fireworks in Gus’s honor takes place Friday, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Plus chance to win Gus’s skis!
On February 13, Telluride homeboy Gus Kenworthy took silver in Sochi, one of three American elite athletes who swept the first slope style skiing Olympic competition. Joss Christensen (Park City, UT) took the sport’s first-ever gold medal and Nick Goepper (Lawrenceburg, IN) took bronze.
Here is a video of Kristi Yamaguchi interviewing Gus about his win in the freestyle skiing slope style event.
Yes Kenworthy’s life is going to the dogs.
And that’s a good thing.
One month after he podiumed, on Friday, March 14, Gus was reunited with the stray puppies he adopted from Sochi.
Here’s the story that appeared on TODAY.
It took nearly a month longer than he anticipated, but it was all worth it for Olympic skier Gus Kenworthy as he nuzzled his newly adopted puppies from Sochi on TODAY Friday.
Kenworthy, with the help of Humane Society International and good friend Robin Macdonald, who stayed behind in Russia for nearly a month after the Olympics, brought the dogs home. Kenworthy and Macdonald spoke with Matt Lauer and Tamron Hall while snuggling three of the pooches — Jake, Mama and Mischka.
“It’s just incredible,” Kenworthy said. “It feels so nice to have them home. These dogs have traveled thousands of miles, and it’s been many, many weeks of this whole process kind of coming to an end.”
Continue reading here and watch the heartwarming video imbedded in the news story. (So sweet. Guaranteed toothache.)
If you are in town, come celebrate Gus’s triumphant return and meet his new pets.
The following is the schedule from Telski.
5:30 PM | Parade
Parade starts at Telluride Town Park, ending in front of the Telluride Court House on Main Street.
6:15 PM | Speeches & Special Dedication
Special congratulations from the Kenworthy family, town mayors, Telluride Ski Resort & a SPECIAL dedication reveal.
6:30 PM | Meet & Greet, Poster Signing & Music
Meet Gus and get a poster signed all while enjoying hot chocolate & music.
7:45 PM | Fireworks on Main Street
Finish the celebration with a fireworks show on Main Street Telluride!
Telluride Sports and ATOMIC Skis are excited to announce that Gus Kenworthy will be giving away an autographed pair of ATOMIC Punx skis and Park poles at Friday’s celebration and street party.
There are three opportunities to enter for your chance to win: at Telluride Sports on Main Street all day on Friday; at the Free Ice Cream stand at Telluride Sports beginning at 5 p.m., or at the autograph table at the courthouse event at 6:30p.m.
Gus will be drawing the winning ticket himself!
The drawing takes place at 7:30 Friday evening at the courthouse right before the fireworks show. Be sure to enter for your chance to win!
Limit one entry per person; no purchase necessary; must be present to win.
And while we are on the subject of rescuing dogs, this weekend is Second Chance Humane Society’s big fun-rasier: “Wine & Whiskers,” Thursday, March 20 – Saturday, March 22. For more, go to adoptmountainpets.org or call 970-626-2273.
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