21 Mar ALACAZEM 2014.03.20
March 20 to 27, 2014 Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn Evening: Jupiter
As the Sun moves in to cardinal Aries and the rebirthing season of spring begins, we feel the emerging power of new life. Dusty browns give way to vibrant greens, melting snow disappears in squishy mud and warming winds shake trees and rattle rooftops with messages of seasonal change. We, like the tierra beneath our feet, are being reborn.
Here on Earth, we live and breathe, watch the sun rise and set. We follow our instincts, whether we consciously realize it or not. We are creatures of habit, dependent upon food and water, sunlight and oxygen, exercise and movement, sleep and rest. Our modern world, with all its technological advances and advantages, often takes precedence over the natural, ecological, biological world upon which we depend.
Survival is a theme this time of year. The zodiac month of Aires is primitive, primal power – the power of fight or flight, win or lose, do or die. Ruled by the red-planet Mars, ancient God of War, Aries calls us to action and encourages us to go forth. It wants us to fight for what we want – fight for might, fight for right – fight, fight and fight some more.
There are many warriors upon the path. And many paths. Last year at this time I wrote about Wonder Woman and her amazing [to me] archetypal imagery and interesting chronological history. Her birth in December 1941 – making her an altruistic, crusading Sagittarius – and her creator – William Moulton Marston, an American psychologist, feminist theorist, inventor and comic book writer – popularized the concept of the iconic warrioress – goddess and protector of life, peace and justice – and brought the woman as warrior and crusader into the mainstream consciousness of the modern western world.
Today we see many multi-dimensional images and themes of the warrior goddess. From Wonder Woman, to Xena, to Kill Bill’s Uma Thurman, Daryl Hannah and Lucy Lu, to the most recent episodes of the History Channel’s breakaway series The Vikings, woman are slashing, trashing and thrashing their way across the hallowed grounds of traditionally masculine territory. And why not? We have always been at war, fighting for our hearts, our homes, our families, our fantasies and our faith. Fighting for our truth. It is only right to stand for what we believe in, what we love, what we feel is right. So here’s to the emerging strength and power of the Aries spring. May we all go forth – men, women and children – together on the high road of truth and justice as bodhisattvas – enlightened spiritual warriors – armed with compassion, courage and commitment, to fight in the non-violent battle for peace, love, joy and equanimity.
Good luck and may the gods and goddesses of goodness and light guide and protect us.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) Here we go, jumping into spring. As your Happy Birthday month begins, embrace the full spectrum of the year to come by living fully in the moment. What you do in the present creates the future. Consider the concept of habitual karma. Security in the familiar – behavior patterns, relationships, etc. – is powerful. Try the unfamiliar for positive change.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) A sense of caution combines with the push to move forward as the Sun enters initiation-happy Aries as the March 20th Vernal Equinox opens the door on spring. Restrictions and limits imposed by others must be addressed. Respect, honesty and patience are allies here. Calculate risks and benefits, take your time and focus on good thoughts, good talk and right action.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) The Aries Equinox chart is traditionally key to exploring the 3-month spring season ahead. This year we see a mixed bag of push and pull, pressure, exposition, expansion and growth, all fueled by our often uncomfortable, upsetting, ongoing snap-crackle-pop Aries-in-Uranus awakening. Hang on to truth, integrity and – above all – personal change.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Spring Equinox perennially marks a major crossroads in your yearly revolution around the Sun. Goals, achievements and recognition are themes as you see, hear and feel the ever-expanding Universe of unlimited potential and possibility knocking at your door. Continue doing the next right thing and moving in directions of goodness. And keep the faith.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) Serious Saturn retrograde in Scorpio conjuncts the Moon as spring begins, starting the natural year out with a healthy dose of caution and realism. For now, it’s business as usual; count your blessings and take your time. As soon as the cosmos are willing, the magic begins. Good luck and good fortune come when preparedness meets opportunity. Prepare.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) Idealism and illusion dance with themes of emotional pain where lovelorn romance and unrequited love are present. Hey, now! Wake up and smell the roses. Are you sure you are not perceiving something that simply is not true? Self-indulgence and ego-based, repetitive thinking can drive you crazy. Focus on positive action and honest communication. Let go and let it be.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) By living in the present, we are released from the limits of the past and free to create a more exciting future. And this week, the advent of spring equinox pops open the door to 6 months of increasing action, light and interaction. The ongoing cardinal square mandates personal involvement and achievement. Keep the ball rolling, maintain balance, do your best and remember to rest.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) You may feel fear and doubt as spring begins, but truth is, it’s only healthy caution. Take a deep breath and pause. Do you have the patience to wait until the water is clear? Emotional turbulence is anti-productive to personal progress, inner and outer. Focus on creative talents and heartfelt love. Explore higher-self awareness and follow the high road.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) Springtime fuels the fires and fans the flames of love and desire as solar rays illuminate themes of heart and soul. What is it that you truly want? Where and what inspires you? Who do you find attractive? When and how do you experience inner peace, gratitude and grace? Curiosity stimulates action, and action gets you out and about. Go forth, explore and experience.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) Another season comes knocking, and with it, a full-spectrum of dos and don’ts, shoulds and coulds. This year, trade in the dark doubts, potential paralysis and false fears for new hope, new work and new action. A major life cycle is ending as the old self sheds its skin and transforms into a cleaner, happier, healthier version of that original DNA. Weed the garden.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) The Sun’s entrance into pioneering Aries fires engines and encourages action over the next 30 days. It’s time to start, begin and initiate in physical, material, emotional and spiritual worlds. Karma is real, what you do, feel, think, say and sow is what you reap. As you work with an infinite number of invisible energies, plant good, healthy, organic seeds.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) As your birthday month closes and winter ends, the doorway to springtime opens wide. As the sunlight of spirit illuminates the depths of heart and soul, embrace the Great Mystery of life and death. And for those who have come and gone, we give thanks. It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. With courage and grace, we are blessed.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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