02 Dec TIO Denver: America’s Got Talent, Auditions on Saturday
Talent is arguably the two percent you leave on the table after the perspiration.
We received the following email from a program that is all about the two percent: America’s Got Talent (Season 9).
My name is Lindsay Spaulding and I’m a Casting Producer for America’s Got Talent Season 9. I am currently looking for the latest and greatest acts, of all ages and group size. I want to make sure that everyone in your Performing Arts Community has a chance to hear about this opportunity. We are headed to DENVER on December 7th and we would love to meet some of your talented network at our auditions.
It would be incredible if you could help me spread my casting information to any and all talented people within your networks, so we can make Season 9 of America’s Got Talent the best it can be!
Thank you in advance for your help!
Interested in auditioning? Register now on America’s Got Talent’s website: www.agtauditions.com
For a preview of what’s in store, watch this video:
Lindsay Spaulding
Posted at 20:36h, 02 DecemberThank you so much for helping me spread the word! We are very excited to see Denver’s talent on December 7th! Make sure to register on our website: http://www.agtauditions.com thanks again!!!!