25 Dec Sheridan Arts Foundation: Seat Sponsorships Now Available
Donors will be entered to win Dec. 31 raffle. Raising funds to replace movie screen
The Sheridan Arts Foundation, the 501(3)(c) non-profit organization that owns and operates the historic Sheridan Opera House, is selling seat sponsorships this month in order to raise funds for a new movie screen.
The seat campaign began earlier in 2013 when the Sheridan Opera House kicked off its year long Centennial Celebration, commemorating the Opera House’s 100th birthday in July.
All donors who purchase a seat in 2013 will be entered to win a raffle. Prizes include a week’s stay anywhere in the world, a $500 gifts certificate at Saks Fifth Avenue a week’s stay at any Interval International property (with more than 2,800 participating resorts in more than 75 countries), and a free rental of the Sheridan Opera House (valued at $2,500) and more.
Supporters of the Sheridan Opera House are encouraged to sponsor a seat by December 31 to be entered into the raffle, which will be held prior to the New Year’s Eve Gala with rock legends Jefferson Starship.
For a donation of $500, supporters will receive an engraved plaque of their name (or a business name) on their favorite seat in the SOH theater for the next 10 years. Prime seating in rows D and K are available for a $1,000 donation.
“Sponsoring a seat is a wonderful way to show your lasting support of the Sheridan Opera House,” said Ticketing/Office Manager Ashley Story. “You can advertise your business, or it makes a great gift for film, theater or music lovers.”
To sponsor a seat, visit SheridanOperaHouse.com or call 970.728.6363 ext. 5. All donations are fully tax-deductible. The campaign will continue through 2014 until all seats are sponsored.
Seat sponsors need not be present to win and winners will be notified by January 3.
Earlier proceeds from the seat campaign helped pay for the Sheridan Opera House’s new entryway restoration. Proceeds from the month of December will help the SAF purchase a new movie screen.
The Sheridan Arts Foundation plans to purchase and install an automated and retractable, state-of-art movie screen in early 2014 in conjunction with the Telluride Film Festival and Mountainfilm in Telluride. The Sheridan Opera House’s current movie screen, built in 1979, is cumbersome.
Once sufficient funds are raised for the screen, the SAF’s eventual goal is to replace its 40-year-old theater seats with the remaining seat campaign funds.
Founded as a 501(c) 3 non-profit in 1991, the Sheridan Arts Foundation’s mission is to preserve the historic theater to provide quality music and entertainment to the Telluride community and to offer educational programs to regional and national youth.
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