06 Nov Earth Matters: The Climate Reality March Across America
The fat lady has sung and the time has come for climate deniers to face the music. Based on 117 years of research, the 5th Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2013 Report concluded: “It is extremely likely [95 percent confidence] more than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperature from 1951 to 2010 was caused by the anthropogenic increase in greenhouse gas concentrations and other anthropogenic forcings together.” – IPCC
The question now is not whether human activities, primarily the combustion of fossil fuels, have caused global climate change but are we willing to address the problem. In 2010, approximately 4,975,000 people have died because of climate change related impacts and our carbon-intensive energy system. On top of that, climate change and carbon-intensive systems cost the world economy about 1,238 trillion (U.S. dollars) in damages. Research also indicates the number of deaths will increase to 5,957,000 by 2030.
In my previous publication, “15 Individual Actions to Address Climate Change,” I illuminated a pathway for individuals at a local level to help resolve this life threatening global problem for present and future generations. One of the simple solutions presented in this article suggested joining a climate change advocacy organization and participating in an event to foster a societal shift from contemplation to taking action.
I take great pleasure to announce the forthcoming 2014 Climate Reality March across America. The staff of The Climate Reality Project provided the following information about this historic event:
Mission Statement: The goal of the Great March for Climate Action is to change the heart and mind of the American people, our elected leaders and people across the world into acting now to address the climate crisis.
Vision: On March 1, 2014, 1,000 climate patriots will set out from Los Angeles, CA, walking nearly 3,000 miles across America to Washington, DC, inspiring action to resolve the climate crisis. This will be the largest coast-to-coast march in American history. Part and full time marchers accepted.
Check out the links below for more information about the event:
Website: www.climatemarch.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/climatemarch
Your participation in the 2014 Climate Reality March will generate awareness about the reality of climate change and encourage participation across America to address the problem. In addition, you might also meet a bunch of new friends and feel a warm glow by demonstrating that you care about the environment and subsequent future of humanity.
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