28 Nov ALACAZEM 2013.11.28
November 28 to December 5, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Evening: Venus
Here we are, Thanksgiving. A time to pause, count our blessings and share our bounty. Food, friends and family; roast turkeys and pumpkin pies. Whether we stay home or travel, are with loved ones or in a totally non-traditional location – solo or with strangers – eating non-traditional cuisine, we, as Americans, can’t help but take note of this very traditional American holiday and its message to give thanks.
This year, I find myself feeling somewhat mystified, emotional, humbled and, yes, grateful. Life on Earth is amazing and beautiful, and yet we as humans continue to suffer, either by our own actions and behaviors or those of others. And then there are the natural disasters and wars, political ridiculousness and power-hungry, greed-fueled agendas that seem to control the world economies and destroy our environment. But I am still grateful for the goodness.
I lost some very good friends to the Angel of Death during our last, most recent eclipse cycle. And – ironically, karmically or synchronistically – it was a repetition of the 19-year saros eclipse cycle of 1994 in Scorpio/Taurus, when I lost my 18-year old sweet niece, Lise, in a car crash on a dark, snowy, slushy night outside of Boulder.
Saturn is on my Venus right now, and Jupiter is on my Moon. The translation in a nutshell is “feeling the pain of loss in love” and an “overwhelming expansion of heartfelt emotion” – so I am of course experiencing both. But I have also talked to others recently who are having an unusually difficult time with sorrow and acceptance regarding death and issues of mortality. For all of us, Saturn’s transit through Scorpio marks a time when we must deal with the reality of death and dying, delve deeply into the numinous waters of soul and psyche, face our fears and battle our demons. And that takes courage.
The good news is that generous, benevolent, giant Jupiter is moving through emotional Cancer, opening our hearts to feeling our feelings and healing our wounds. Scorpio and Cancer are both water signs, so one supports and encourages the other. Jupiter awards us with hope, faith, optimism and, yes, courage. We somehow find the strength to trust our goodness, follow our hearts and travel the high road of spirit. And Jupiter loves expressions of gratitude. It’s where we find grace.
Happy Thanksgiving and may the great goodness of Jupiter and the time-honored wisdom of Saturn find gracious space at your holiday table. Blessings, joy and peace.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) Thanksgiving Day dawns with a shocking Uranus opposition to the peace-loving Libra Moon, awakening you to the rather unusual conditions in which you find yourself. Whether it’s happening on the physical, emotional or spiritual plane, embrace the shake and break, the patterns that need to be broken. And remember gratitude, experience grace.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) With mental Mercury moving through the last degrees of Scorpio – your solar 7th house of longterm relationships – you may find yourself discussing or wrapping up issues of finance and/or intimacy with siblings, partners and friends. Thanksgiving focuses on gratitude, and it’s a fabulous reminder for the holidays. Give and you shall receive.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Thanksgiving begins the holiday season, jumpstarting the hustle-bustle busy-ness and revelry of eating, drinking, shopping, buying, giving and receiving. And, this year, the Twins feel it with more impact than usual. The Dec. 2nd Sag New Moon amplifies themes of self and others, asking you to give, give, give. Just don’t forget to take care of yourself in the process.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Communicating love and giving from the heart are themes for the first week of the holiday season. A fresh New Moon in your solar 6th house of giving reminds you to be gracious, compassionate and humble. You may find great satisfaction and spiritual depth via work and service, especially when you are helping those in need. Volunteer; seek and you shall find.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) Staying busy is not a problem this week, as you are more than committed and there are plenty of projects you’d like to get done before Christmas. Christmas? Wait, it’s Thanksgiving. Slow your headspace pace and relax with the graciousness of giving. In time, everything comes and goes. Personal creativity is at a peak. Get going and simply do your best. It’s all good!
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) Action-loving, motivated Mars moves through the last degrees of Virgo, polishing projects and putting finishing touches on things you’ve been working on for weeks. Make lists and fulfill commitments as you march through a week of good pleasure and fun. Travel has been on the agenda for many, visiting siblings, see the sights. Love is all around you. Enjoy!
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) Home is where the heart is. Voluptuous Venus in Capricorn and a Sagittarius New Moon shine light upon the sweet, simple pleasures you experience at home – wherever you are – with a loving, giving and receiving heart. Family plays a big part in your week and you may find yourself challenged professionally. Breathe deep, all is as it should be.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Saturn in Scorpio and Venus in Capricorn sandwich an inspired Sagittarius New Moon, flavoring the otherwise excitable lunation with emotional sobriety and down-to-earth, practicality regarding romance and finance. Take your time, do the math and balance the equations. Recognize the awesome part you play in your life and relationships. Good luck!
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) Happy, joyous birthdays come and go this week as the Sun moves through the most expansive, least controllable sign of the zodiac. While others find it difficult to pin you down or keep you grounded – and they certainly try – they may not understand your essential need to travel. Meanwhile, meditate on the spiritual value of commitment. God bless.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) Velvet Venus has found a stable, comfortable home in Capricorn and, as a result, has committed to showering her love, beauty and creativity upon you for weeks and weeks. The upside is an overpowering desire to create, love and share your blessings, wealth and wisdom. Make contact with trusted friends and inspirational people on this journey. Open your heart.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Your ruling planet, wildcat Uranus, continues to snap, crackle and pop the way you perceive life and define reality. Your open mind has opened even wider. Many things you thought would never come to pass have happened. The time-warp speed of our quickly evolving techno-world and society can be daunting. Stability comes through spirit. Find and follow your angels.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) The Dec. 2nd Sagittarius New Moon initiates a theme of busy-ness and accomplishment regarding holiday projects and plans. You may find yourself arranging get-togethers, organizing craft projects or hosting parties that focus on the creative arts. Friends are loving and giving, you enjoy being social and amongst people that inspire you. Have fun!
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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