16 Oct “Rocky Horror Picture Show” at The Palm
Fundraiser with LIVE theatrics by Telluride Theatre, presented by Telluride Theatre and The Palm, 11/24. For tickets ($15 in advance), click here.
The book is ludicrous. A young couple stumbles into a castle inhabited by weirdos from the planet Transylvania including Dr. Frank N. Furter, a transvestite Frankenstein in rhinestone heels. The music of this sci-fi satire, unforgettable. Tunes such as “Time Warp,” “Dammit Janet,” “Toucha Toucha Touch Me,” “Over at Frankenstein’s Place,” “Sweet Transvestite” are addictive.
Beware or be in tune.
When it was released in 1975, the film tanked, despite a star-studded cast including Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick, Meatloaf & many more. One year later, “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” was playing to packed houses at midnight shows across the country. Audiences dressed up like the characters, acted out segments, yelled rude comments to the stage or screen, threw rice at the wedding, put newspapers over their heads against the rain.
Several incarnations (and decades later), folks, many much older now, still tramp back into theaters, wearing rain gear, armed with stale pieces of toast and water pistols.
Thursday, October 24, 9 p.m., Telluride Theatre and The Palm Theatre present “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.”
“If you have never been to a Rocky Horror Picture Show Movie with LIVE cast you are in for a treat,” said Telluride Theatre’s artistic director Sasha Sullivan. “This off-the -wall, over-the-top cult film is best seen with people dressed to kill, yelling lines, acting out scenes, and dancing in the aisles. An event unlike any other… Telluride Theatre is working to make their own version of the live move show for the Palm. With goodie bags, lots of audience participation, costumes, surprises and a cast of locals like you’ve never seen before.”
For “Horror” virgins, The “Rocky Horror Show” moves through celluloid darkly. The movie is an homage to cheesey 1950s B-flicks. Think Ed Wood on a bad hair day. Now set it to music. “Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire.”( And hit the anatomical reference hard.)
Like many cult classics, “Rocky Horror Show” is clearly anything but mainstream. In fact, it is the mother of twisted entertainment, a sexual anthology set to song and dance, written by stage actor-turned-first-time playwright Richard O’Brien. The musical, which opened in 1973, was hailed by prominent London critics as the Best Musical of 1973. No big surprise. Brits are notoriously kinky.
This marvelous musical spoof urges you to “Give yourself over to absolute pleasure.”
And why not?….
“Rocky Horror” is a great warm up for Halloween.
Therefore, costumes are highly encouraged. (And that’s traditional.)
Cash bar: beer, wine and other awesome drinks.
Only 19+ will be admitted.
Tickets, $18 at the door. ($150 VIP tables also available).
Call 970-369-5669 for more info.
To get in the mood for ludicrous and lewd, watch this trailer.
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