24 Oct ALACAZEM 2013.10.24
October 24 to 31, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter Evening: Venus
Eclipse cycles have been – and will forever be – times of passage for me. I look through my life and see a pattern of turning points, milestones and inner change. Some years are, of course, more memorable than others. The passing of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa during the Virgo eclipse cycle of 1997, the initiation of Bush 41’s Gulf War on the Capricorn solar eclipse in mid-January 1991, the loss of my sweet niece Lise during the November Scorpio eclipse cycle of 1994, and the recent death of beautiful Elizabeth Patterson on a deep, dark, magnificently starry night as the May 2013 eclipse cycle was ending. And then, the good times. Remembering the first time I actually watched the Earth totally eclipse the Moon at a party up on Gold Hill outside of Boulder during my freshman year of college, feeling the other-worldly solar eclipse energy out in our tree farm in May 1994 as the brightly shining Sun dimmed to a magical glow, making the blue spruce sparkle with some sort of inner silver light, lying below the deeply red-orange eclipsed Moon on a deck in Todos Santos at midnight in December 2011 as the waves broke along the beach, and the recent solar eclipse here in the West End, when images of the eclipsing Sun were sprayed all over our house and yard as the fiery orb descended below the western horizon.
I always take a deep breath, close my eyes and pray for the grace of acceptance as each eclipse cycle rolls around. My heart knows the pain of loss and the joyous embrace of something magnificent; both are transformational. I feel that whether the events, experiences and effects of any eclipse cycle are categorized as good or bad, the energies act as an evolutionary force upon the planet. They carry the information, omens and messages of awakening and metamorphosis, whether it be personal, professional, social, individual or collective.
On October 13th at 6:00 am, my husband Richard and I lost one of our best friends, a compadre and comrade, a true brother in arms, Joseph Gerald “Knute” Hylan. His death took place ten days following the October new Moon, a week prior to the full Moon lunar eclipse of October 18tth – and right smack, dab in the middle of the waxing phase of our current eclipse cycle.
Once again, I mark the significance of life and death, the sad and joyful endings and beginnings that wrap iridescent threads around my heart. Like a shimmering tapestry of light and color, I see my friend and feel his presence, his spirit, his will. Dressed like Buffalo Bill – of whom he was a new age carbon copy – and just as entertaining, he is off riding the wind, skating the ethers and skiing the stars. His memorial mass takes place on October 30th – the day before Halloween – and I’ll be there, counting my blessings, praying for his heavenly crossing and riding the range of gratitude, loss, love and shadow.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) The waning Moon cycle gives you plenty of time to look within, see and feel just who and what resides inside. Spirit is your friend these days and will provide you with all the support, guidance and strength you need. But, of course, you must first seekit to find it. Golden treasures are laced between layers of learned behavior and instinctive defense. Don’t give up.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) Mental Mercury goes retrograde in your solar 7th house of relationship this week and remains so until mid-November, doubling up on time to discuss, process and consider options, ideas and directions of your current commitments and responsibilities regarding others. Take it slow and easy as you go, waiting until Mercury goes direct to make important choices and decisions.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Ruling planet Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio this week, putting a spin on your thinking and re-opening doors and options you thought had closed. Once again, the best laid plans of mice and men can and do change. Rather than get confused, upset or lost in chaos, utilize the shift as a gift. All activities with the prefix “re” are favored. Plenty of job security there!
Cancer (June 21-July 22) The waning Moon lessens in size and brightness this week as eclipse windows remain open. Breathe in the winds of change and fresh air of awakening as you re-process and re-define your place, station and situation in life and love. A three-week period of assessment and understanding of the heart awaits you. Feel and heat. Know and grow.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) With the Sun, Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio, you may be feeling the magical, magnetic pull of home and family deep within your heart and soul. A somewhat nostalgic, sentimental energy envelops your reality as you stroll down memory lane. Tap into the glimmers and glows of past experience to re-create your life and loves. Take your time, make it beautiful.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) The Scorpio zodiac month presents the Virgin with numerous opportunities for changing the way you perceive and interpret reality. If you have you been looking at life through lenses that magnifies fear, doubt and negativity, it is time to take off the glasses. Retrofit your perception via a daily practice of cleanliness, mediation and gratitude.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) The Scorpio sun-time presents you with the second month of your annual journey around the zodiac, awakening you to personal power and resources. Check in with what you really want and desire. Recognize the power of responsible choice and use it wisely. Mercury retrograde and Saturn encourage a deep process of realistic re-evaluation. Take your time.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Happy birthday to the most mysterious, metaphysically rich sign of the tropical zodiac. Magnetically attractive, naturally charismatic and sensually seductive, others find you hard to resist. And that is exactly why they resist you. The knowledge that surrender is victory and that humility is grace can easily be forgotten. Take the time to remember.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) Angels flutter and guardian spirits fly about you in an annual dance of hocus-pocus and hullabaloo. Tap into divine spirit and holy hallelujah as you surrender to the sizzling sensations of the season. Halloween week offers plenty of chances to communicate with those who walk between worlds. Relax and enjoy the possibilities. Open your heart to love eternal.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) Eclipse energy continues to push and pressure you toward adjustment and amendment, and it’s all-good. Human nature is relatively predictable, yet highly enigmatic. When and where we make those turns and choices on life’s magical journey is a thing of wonder. Everyone is different, and yet the same. Review and reassess for three more weeks. Take it easy.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Pressure to get it done and finish the job continues. The good news is that Mercury retrograde for three weeks actually favors exactly what you want and need. Keep the ball rolling, delegate authority and be willing to let others take responsibility. Just recognize and accept that they are not you. Focus on clear instruction, write it down and accept what comes.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) Ethereal realms and spiritual planes may entice and intrigue you as seasonal changes invoke the magical and mysterious. Have some fun with Halloween festivities and gatherings. Druids and witches, bonfires and harvests announce the Celtic end of summer and initiation of winter. Increasing darkness favors introspection. Kindle inner and outer fires.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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