18 Oct ALACAZEM 2013.10.17
October 17 to 24, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter Evening: Mercury, Venus, Saturn
Eclipses are extra potent new and full Moons, heralding major endings and beginnings. They mark crossroads, tipping points and opportunities to move forward on our soul’s journey through the cosmos. Issues related to our natal planets and houses activated by an eclipse come to light during the “eclipse window” – two weeks before, during and after the actual eclipse. And because eclipses most often take place in pairs – occasionally they occur in trinity – eclipse windows last for about 6 weeks.
Our current eclipse cycle involves the October 18th full Moon lunar eclipse [@ 5:38 pm MDT] in Libra/Aries and the follow-up new Moon solar eclipse on November 3rd @ 11º16’ Scorpio.
The first occurring lunar eclipse indicates that we are in a powerful process of enlightenment regarding Libra/Aries issues – which are primarily issues of self in relation to others – and that the experiences, awakenings and realizations we encounter, acquire and embrace during the lunar eclipse window will provide us with the information, knowledge, facts and data that will influence and ultimately determine the direction we choose to take in our relationships at the time of the Scorpio new Moon solar eclipse two weeks later. Scorpio is the sign of mystery and magic, death and rebirth, the soul and psyche; Scorpio solar and lunar eclipses are arguably the most powerful ending and beginning points of the tropical zodiac year.
This week, lunar light illuminates our roles and responsibilities, as well as our resistance or attraction to others. It’s the perfect time to feel our feelings – the Moon loves emotions – gather information, clarify intentions and desires, and prepare for the close of a major phase and cycle regarding our commitments and involvements. The two weeks following the Oct. 18th lunar eclipse – as the Moon wanes and nights grow deeper and darker – present us with an unusually fertile and metaphysically rich segment of time to dive deeply into our own souls and psyche. We are in the hero’s quest of golden treasure – the Truth.
Good luck and may your journey be one of illumination, enlightenment and true value.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) Sweet Venus trines unpredictable Uranus in fire signs this week, portending a surprising, far-reaching change. The potential to be free of self-imposed prisons presents itself. Are you willing to take that leap of faith? Virtue is its own reward here; simply do the next right thing. Tap into your highest self and nurture goodness, true health and spiritual wealth.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) This week’s full Moon lunar eclipse evokes issues of spirit and doubt. In other words, you may peruse the possibilities of life on the other side, the power of prayer or the existence of spiritual forces. Whatever the manifestation, remain open to the cosmic energies in and all around you. As a magician and master, you are creating karma as you go. Live in the light.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Libra/Aries is the polarity of relationship, a metaphysical mirror that reflects the image of self in the people, places and things to which you have chosen to be involved and committed. If you don’t like someone or something, it is best to take action to change yourself, your situation or environment. Friends and allies are there to help and assist. Ask and receive.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Issues of home, family, place of residence and professional direction square off in a dance of priority and possibility. While this week may feel challenging or difficult, just remember that crisis is opportunity and change is rebirth. Solutions come via positive thinking and the willingness to grow. Travel, explore and experience new territory. Treasures await.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) A full Moon lunar eclipse in Libra/Aries shines illuminating light upon your most important relationships. How well are you communicating? Do you need to tell someone how you feel or – more importantly – listen to them? Keep a good sense of humor and be willing to laugh. Feel good emotions come via spiritual understanding and openhearted love.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) With mighty Mars now transiting your sun-sign, you may feel highly motivated and willing to do what it takes to get the job done. Personally, this is an excellent time for self-fueled action regarding desires, hopes and dreams. Self-responsibility is an ally and friend, empowering you in ways that nothing else can. Get a road map and follow the signs. Happy trails.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) This year has been challenging, to say the least. Juggling family matters, personal responsibilities, professional goals and relationship demands has been taxing. Somehow, you have maintained sanity. However, the serenity of inner peace has proven elusive. Of course, you won’t give up. You understand the forces of karma, love and peace. Onward, cosmic traveler!
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) This week’s rather intense eclipse energy encourages the Scorpion to seek inner peace via meditation and prayer. While the physical, empirical world has obviously gone crazy; you can still find a magical, healing sanctuary within. Find an enlightening text or ritual that calms your spirit and soothes your soul. Tap into the realm of spirit. Breathe deep and relax.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) You may find yourself full of vim and vigor, outraged or inspired to change the world or your neighborhood this week. Political realities may prove challenging, but you understand the strength of spirit. A positive attitude and right action are allies. Others rally and participate in pro-active solutions; many hands make quick work of the job at hand.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) Seductive Pluto in Capricorn squares unpredictable Uranus as the Earth eclipses the Moon, putting an extra dose of challenge on your emotionally charged karmic plate. While this aspect is exact-exact on Halloween, you are feeling the effects. Radical change is the name of the game and it’s high time to see the light and get on the path. Embrace the unknown.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) As the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow and we experience the year’s last lunar eclipse, attention is drawn to the emotional body and what remains stored in the unconscious. Hidden motives and fears, suppressed desires or buried wounds may emerge rather suddenly. Focus on direct, honest self-sufficiency and responsibility, rather than rage or anger. Do it right!
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) Mars, traditional ruler of Aries, has moved into Virgo and opposes ruler Neptune in Pisces this week. This aspect constellates the spiritual warrior and divine masculine, which sustains and protects life instead of dominating or destroying it. Act upon your ideals and advocate for those who are neglected, imprisoned or enslaved. Empathy and altruism are allies.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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