21 Sep Telluride Museum: Shaft Mining Exhibit Opens
Thursday event features special guest Billy “Senior” Mahoney
In 2011, the Telluride Historical Museum opened “Hard Rocks, Rough Lives,” an interactive outdoor exhibit exploring mining history in the San Juans. That same year, Billy “Senior” Mahoney was designated “Outstanding Citizen of the Year” by the Telluride Foundation, an award honoring individuals who unselfishly make extraordinary contributions to the region’s quality of life. Mahoney generously contributed funds from the award to the Museum.
This spring, the Museum installed the newest addition to “Hard Rocks, Rough Lives”: an interactive model of a shaft mine head-frame. A shaft mining bucket from the Museum’s collection was installed within the model frame to help provide context for the equipment. The bucket originates from the Highland Mary Mine near Silverton, Colorado.
Join us as we celebrate the opening of the newest addition to “Hard Rocks, Rough Lives,” made possible by the generosity of “Senior” Mahoney.
Senior Mahoney grew up the son of Telluride Marshal and San Miguel County Sheriff, Tom Mahoney. He attended Telluride public school, serving in the Navy after graduation. Back home, Senior became a hard-rock miner with the Idarado Mining Company and later the first employee of the Telluride Ski area hired by Joe Zoline, founder. Senior developed the ski mountain and helped shape the ski industry throughout the state. For his considerable and comprehensive contributions, Senior was inducted to the Colorado Ski Hall of Fame.
Senior served four terms on Telluride Town Council and was the “highest vote getter” in 1972 and 1974. He volunteered at the Telluride Historical Museum, giving historical presentations, including Fire Side chats. The Mahoneys continue to support anyone doing historical and family research about the Telluride region and beyond and donate mining and ski memorabilia to the Museum, to the Town and to the Colorado Ski Museum.
What: Exhibit Opening, “Shaft Mining in the San Juans,” with special guest Billy “Senior” Mahoney
When: Thursday, September 26, 2013, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Where: Telluride Historical Museum, 201 E. Gregory Ave. (at the top of Fir Street)
Light refreshments will be served
Note: Poster features five men in shaft room of Smuggler Union mine from an image belonging to Telluride Museum.
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