23 Sep Telluride: Makes List of “America’s Best Small Towns”
What does Telluride have in common with Haines, Alaska; Spring Green, Wisconsin; Berea, Kentucky; Galena, Illinois and Little Compton, Rhode Island? Trolling the Internet, I came upon this article in the Huffington Post about “America’s Best Small Towns.”
The 2012 Census confirmed what most Americans already suspected: These days, more of us are choosing to live in cities. Yet as we downsize to high-rise apartments and squeeze onto subway cars, it’s hard not to yearn for the pleasures of space and quiet living…
These destinations topped our charts because of their sense of community and serious cultural draws. Many also have a haute arts scene. Take Florence, Ala., which is quickly becoming the fashion capital of the South, thanks to the flagship store of celebrated American designer Billy Reid. Or Marfa, Texas….
For more, go here.
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