11 Aug Sheridan Opera House: Telluride Plein Air After Sale

An image from Telluride Plein Air
They came.
They saw.
They painted.
“They” were Plein Air artists selected through a juried process, their work (along with a biography) vetted by a panel of artists, gallery owners and educators.
Between Friday, June 28 – Thursday, July 4, 26 of these nationally recognized American plein air painters picked up where the old guard, the Impressionists, left off, putting brush to canvas in and around Telluride to capture light and color for the Sheridan Arts Foundation‘s 10th annual Telluride Plein Air event.
The fruits of their labors – images of flower-filled meadows, purple mountain majesties, colorful town scenes – went on display July 3 and 4 at the Sheridan Arts Foundation’s exhibition and sale, part of Telluride’s July Fourth celebration. Some of the wonderful images from the event remained in town and are now specially priced to benefit the Sheridan Opera House, celebrating its 100th anniversary, and the nonprofit’s rental subsidies and community programming.
The sale, which began Saturday, August 10, runs through Sunday, August 18, 9 a.m – 5 p.m. and during scheduled events on weekends. Images are on display in Sheridan Opera House lobby, green room and outside in the Oak Street Mall Thursday, August 15- Saturday, August 17.
For further information, contact kathrine@sheridanoperahouse.com.
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