22 Jul Telluride Historical Museum: Field Trip to Ames Power Plant

Ames Power Plant
Editor’s note: The article in the Huffington Post stated that Nikola Tesla was an great inventor who never made it to the top of the pyramid:
“Wednesday (that was 7/10) is inventor Nikola Tesla’s 157th birthday.
“The Serbian engineer, who moved to the U.S. in his late 20s, is considered one of the most important and most overlooked inventors of all time — as he lost the spotlight again and again in the 19th century to the flashier Thomas Edison.* Indeed, his rivalry with Edison morphed into one of the most epic battles of all time.
“Like so many brilliant artists and inventors, Tesla’s reputation revived after his death at age 86: Many modern science and history enthusiasts have developed a fondness for him. The man behind the online comic The Oatmeal even raised money to buy the long-forgotten land where Tesla’s laboratory once stood and build a Tesla museum there. He ended up raising more than $1.3 million for the museum.
“In honor of Tesla’s birthday, we’ve rounded up some the most important things that you may not realize Tesla invented.”
Continue reading here for the list.
He never made it to the top — except in Telluride, where his name is linked with innovation and technology. Here Tesla set the pace for innovation: think Ames Power Plant .
Then go there.
Back by popular demand, the Telluride Historical Museum is excited to be able offer a second tour to the Ames Power Plant. The family friendly trip takes place Friday, July 26.
The technology behind the Plant was the brainchild of electrical genius Nikola Tesla.
When Ames began producing electricity in 1891, it was the first successful long distance commercial transmission of alternating current in the world. Its first transmission of AC electricity was to power the Gold King Mine, 2.6 miles from the plant. The technology developed at Ames went on to be used at the Niagara Falls power plants. It also powered the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair. The Plant continues to produce electricity to this day and is being inducted into the Hydro-power Hall of Fame the same day as our next scheduled visit. The trip includes a tour of the plant, including facilities and grounds.
We will meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Telluride Historical Museum, arrange carpools from there. Back in Telluride no later than 12:30 p.m.
Call 970-728-3344 for tickets, $15 for adults, $10 for members.
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