15 Jun Dr. Pat Bailey: Library series continues 6/20/13

Pastor Pat Bailey
Michael Dowd is the author of the best-selling book designed to build bridges. His “Thank God for Evolution: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World,” was endorsed by six Nobel laureates and other rock stars from the scientific community, also by religious leaders across the board. Dowd is a self-described “religious naturalist.” What does that mean?
“Reality is our God, evidence is our Scripture, integrity is our religion, and contributing toward a healthy future is our mission,” he explained in one of his Huffington Post blogs.
Dowd and his evolutionary educator wife, Connie Barlow, share the inspirational side of science in ways that offer practical tools for living and realistic hope for the future. Since 2002, the couple has traveled North America non-stop to address thousands of religious groups, from Catholic to Unitarian.
We “met” Michael Dowd virtually through a video of a talk he delivered to a church group in Omaha. Dowd suggested that our evidential understanding of Big History, Death and Chaos, and Human Nature can help us as individuals and societies move toward a just, sustainably life-giving future. Specifically we heard his presentations about Big History – loosely translated, our place in the evolution of the universe – and about death and chaos as necessary and creative forces in that evolution.
Dowd is part of the group of new theists being introduced to Telluride audiences through a nine-week series of conversations led by Dr. Pat Bailey of Telluride’s Christ Presbyterian Church at the Wilkinson Public Library. The subject, “Evolving Consciousness,” is a byproduct Pastor Pat’s doctoral thesis and the focus of his work.
What’s does Pastor Pat have up his sleeve for next week, Thursday, July 20?
Click the play button to listen to what he has to say.
About Dr. Pat Bailey:
Pat Bailey is native of Atlanta, Georgia. He was ordained in the Presbyterian Church in 1987. For 16 years, Pat served as a chaplain in the U.S. Army. He is also an Iraq War veteran. Pastor Pat holds several degrees: a Master of Divinity from Columbia Seminary, a Master of Theology in comparative religion from Emory University, and (recently) a Doctor of Ministry from San Francisco Theological Seminary. His primary professional interests are interfaith spirituality, evolutionary consciousness, nature spirituality, and accompanying others in spiritual community.
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