21 Mar ALACAZEM 2013.03.21
March 21 to 28, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Saturn Evening: Jupiter
As the Sun moves in to cardinal Aries and the rebirthing season of spring begins, we feel the emerging power of new life. Matted brown grasses give way to sprigs of green, melting snows disappear into earthy mud and warm winds shake trees and rattle rooftops with messages of seasonal change. We, like the tierra [land] beneath our feet, are being reborn.
Here on Earth, we live and breathe, watch the Sun rise and set. We follow our instincts, whether we consciously realize it or not. We are creatures of habit, dependent upon food and water, sunlight and oxygen, exercise and movement, sleep and rest. Our modern world, with all its technological advantages and advances, often takes precedence over the natural, ecological, biological world upon which we depend.
Survival is a theme this time of year. The zodiac month of Aires is primal, primitive power; the power of fight or flight, win or lose, do or die. Ruled by the red-planet Mars, ancient God of War, Aries calls us to action and encourages us to go forth.
There are many paths to spirit, many battles to fight and many warriors upon the path. And this year, the Aries sun-time arrives with cases of dynamite, plenty of ammo and more than a few brothers-and-sisters-in-arms. Not to mention the guns and weapons strapped across chests or hidden in strategic places, out of sight. Wild Uranus – now transiting Aries – carries a big medicine bag of surprises and awakenings, upsets and upheavals. It is a function of positive change, but the original trappings of this revolutionary methodology is frequently sudden, dramatic and disruptive. We often react with anger, angst and anxiety. Stability goes out the window, we must get comfortable with uncertainty and prepare to fight for right. And I can’t help but think of the fighting-for-right, mythical, made-up comic book princess, the Amazon goddess of goodness, Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman! The super-human warrior bodhisattva of our times – the wild, radically infused, egalitarian Aquarian Age. I cannot think of a more appropriate image or entity than this lioness-maned, ripped-muscle, breast-enhanced female super-heroine. And it just so happens that she is a tried and true champion of justice, love, peace and sexual equality – themes and issues with which we, as humans on this planet Earth, continue to do battle.
Wonder Woman was born in December 1941 – she is an altruistic, crusading Sagittarius – created by William Moulton Marston, an American psychologist, feminist theorist, inventor and comic book writer. A graduate of Harvard University, Marston developed the systolic blood pressure test used to detect deception, a forerunner to the modern day polygraph test. Invoked as a supreme warrioress, gifted with superior combat and battle skills, Marston’s Wonder Woman possessed an arsenal of weapons, including a pair of indestructible bracelets, a tiara which served as a projectile, an invisible airplane and the Golden Lasso of Truth – which was used to extract confessions, compel obedience, force justice and impel freedom. Anyone caught in the golden lasso found it impossible to lie – it was the world’s first lie detector.
According to an article in the 1992 New York Times regarding the original inception of Wonder Woman, “One dark night as the clouds of war hovered over Europe, Mr. Marston consulted his wife and collaborator, Elizabeth, also a psychologist. He was inventing somebody like that new Superman fellow, only his character would promote a global psychic revolution by forsaking Biff! Bam! and Ka-Runch for The Power of Love. ‘Well,’ said Mrs. Marston, who was born liberated, ‘this super-hero had better be a woman…’”
As a member or the predominantly male superhero teams of the Justice Society [1941] and the Justice League [1960] Wonder Woman has been and continues to be an authentic representative for women’s, gay and civil rights, social and individual equality and freedom, and perhaps my favorite, a champion of Truth.
At this particular point in human evolution, we are standing at a major spiritual crossroads. Astrologically, we are experiencing one of the most powerful and impactful planetary phases of all times. Transpersonal planets Uranus – revolution, liberation and awakening – and Pluto – death, destruction and darkness – are aligned in a long-term, ongoing square, one which has been in orb since the spring of 2012 and will continue until late spring 2015. When these two slow-moving planets aspect each other – the last time was in the 60’s, the time before that was in the 30’s – collective and individual waves of forced change wash over our bodies, minds and spirits. All life and consciousness is transformed. But, hey! No need to get scared or excited. We are in the thick of it all right now. Whatever you have been doing, and whatever you are doing at the present moment will provide you with plenty of clues to what it is all about.
Pay attention to your feelings and intuition, gather physical, emotional and spiritual strength, and check out the myths and methods of Wonder Woman. Remember, confidence, courage and good faith are allies of the successful warrior bodhisattva. We are all here together, as equals, fighting for justice with the weapons of love and compassion, truth and light.
To be continued…more on Uranus, Pluto and Wonder Woman, next week.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) It is plenty of me, me, me and you, you, you as Venus enters Aries to join Mars, the Sun and Uranus. The life of the party, the belle of the ball, the main attraction is front and center – guess who? You! Temper all the attention with the calm, sweet, diplomatic signature of Libra, your opposite sign. Focus on peace and maintain balance.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) Pisces and Aries energy has you looking both backward and forward as you – once again – see the eternal equation of action and consequence in motion and effect. We get to where we are by what we do, and we choose what to do. Whether or not it is a conscious decision, it is still a choice. Take some time to contemplate the cosmos, then make your choices.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Thinking about friendship and camaraderie, considering professional options and cultivating aspirations are themes this week. As the Moon grows full, open your heart. Discover the wisdom of self-authenticity and self-honesty. Your life is up to you. Big, dramatic changes continue regarding the people with whom you wish to associate. Choose wisely.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Continue to seek out wise teachers, avatars, gurus and guides in the spiritual quest of the higher self. You have everything you need right there inside you, just waiting to come out. Read, explore and discover the enlightened, liberated sages of the ages. There has never before been such easy access to the secrets of enlightenment. Follow the light.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) You may feel inspired and uplifted as several planets move into fellow fire-sign Aries and ignite your spiritual passion and intellectual desire to explore the world outside your door. Discovery is a theme now and you may find you simply cannot stay at home or inside. Get out, travel about and experience places you have never been. Life is good, enjoy it.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) A potentially dramatic week arrives as excitable Mars joins force with explosive Uranus in primal Aries and fires ignite. The world spins faster and things happen in a flash, so take your time and pay attention to what you are doing. Make a conscious effort to slow down and be totally present. Listen to your heart and be 100% honest with everyone and everything.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) The Moon grows in size and stature this week, shining illuminating light on who you are and what you are doing. Mars, Venus, the Sun and Uranus in Aries demand total, 100% self-authenticity in everything you do and say. Focus on what you are thinking and doing. Discover the connection between thoughts and emotions. And remember, happiness is a choice.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Scorpio shares Mars with Aries as a ruling planet. Therefore, this time of year is symbiotic in energy and scope to the primal core of your spiritual essence. Passion and desire are themes, beginnings and fresh starts are favored. The key here is in understanding and executing the correct use of will and power. Success comes via humility and grace. Cultivate both.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) Crash, boom, bang! The Archer ignites the world with expansive ideas and plenty of enthusiasm, but are you ready and willing to commit to your own imagination? Enjoy the rush of spring, explore the world of options and accept the wisdom of uncertainty. It’s time to be creative, romantic and have fun. Cultivate balance and take your time. Slow down.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) It is time to do the inner work, look inside and clean house. Personal inventories, self-review and self-nurturing are favored as several planets pop and crackle in your solar 4th house of personal and domestic security. Family and family of origin issues are big, take a trip back home, check in with parents or spend time with children. Weed the garden, rake the yard.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) The snap, crackle, pop of good ideas and exciting plans emerge as several planets in Aries light mental fires and set off fireworks of a rather visionary scope and size. Enjoy the show, but recognize all that glimmers is not gold. Instead of being mesmerized or duped by the smoke and mirrors of grandiosity, let reality set in. One day at a time, it all becomes clear.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Planet Mercury – messenger of medicine and magic, actor and healer, multi-faceted and multi-talented, joker and jester – is still in Pisces, doing the work of many, encouraging you to explore, think, discover, experience and learn. Meanwhile, fiery Aries says, “It’s all up to you now. What do you want?” Identify true desire. It’s time to pursue your passion. Go forth.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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