10 Feb Scott Kennett
Scott Kennett is a long-time Telluride local with a 30+ year career in the ski industry, Scott racked up four national titles in the U.S. Extreme Free Skiing Masters Class. And he was often the highest placing Colorado athlete with six Top Ten finishes in the Wold Extreme Skiing Championships in Valdez, AlaskaDespite the many laurels, however, Scott is still best known for the unique relationship he and his half-wolf/half Malamute shared. Watching Zudnick follow his master down the steepest bump and powder fields in Telluride was an unforgettable sight. His day job is running a construction company. Scott appears in Warren Miller’s laest film, “Flow State.”
To learn more about the making of “Flow State,” plus more on Scott’s life and work, click the “play” button and eavesdrop on our chat.
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