Telluride Film Festival Cinematheque at Wilkinson Public Library – The Undead: A Series, Monday, February 4, 5:30 p.m., Library Program Room. (Pre-SHOW reception at 5:00 p.m.)
All community members are invited to experience Cinematheque, a free local resource for film lovers and aficionados who crave cinematic exploration, lively discussion and culinary delights. Programmed by Telluride Film Festival Director Gary Meyer and TFF Telluride Liaison Erika Moss Gordon, the six-part “Undead” series explores the horror genre in detail, uncovering the impact it has had upon the world of cinema as a whole. Each fright-full evening is programmed as a double-feature.
February’s SHOW begins with “Black Sunday” (1960, 87 min, Unrated).
Mario Bava’s Italian horror masterpiece was banned upon release due to the gruesome imagery. Despite initial censorship, the film went on to achieve international box office and critical success.
“A supremely atmospheric horror film, “Black Sunday “was Mario Bava’s first and best directorial job, and the first of the 1960s cycle of Italian Gothic cinema… [The film] remains [Bava’s] greatest achievement, without a doubt one of the best horror films ever made,” raved Timothy Sullivan, The Penguin Encyclopedia of Horror and the Supernatural.
“Black Sunday” is followed by “Night of the Living Dead” (1968, 96 min, Unrated), the famous cult classic about seven strangers who wind up trapped in a rural farm house and are attacked by zombies.
“If someone handed you $114,000 and said go to Pittsburgh and make the scariest movie you can in black-and-white with no sound effects or real actors, you probably couldn’t top George Romero’s ‘Night of the Living Dead.’ It’s the funniest but most real-looking horror film ever made…the jocular skepticism one brings to this 1968 masterpiece curdles into more terrifying feelings. A trip to the graveyard begets a 100-minute nightmare in which the dead come to life, attack the living, then eat their entrails,” said the San Francisco Chronicle of the cult classic.
Again, patrons are invited to enjoy food and drink at the pre-show reception as well as between the films.
“Night of the Living Dead” is a cult classic, so here is the trailer for “Black Sunday”
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