And now for something different for a change.
But not just any sugary wafer.
Tuesday, January 8, 6 – 8 p.m., the Wilkinson Public Library, in collaboration with Red Rocks Press, hosts a very special New Year Books & Cooks cocktail party featuring “Cookies for Grown-Ups” and author Kelly Cooper.
Cooper plans to serve six variations on the theme of her sophisticated taste treats paired with a cocktail, wine or beer according to the pairing suggestions in her book. But the pairings alone is not what makes these cookies adult adventures. What makes these cookies grown-up are their surprising flavor combinations.
How about a cocktail cookie dubbed, “Antipasto,” which seemingly magically incorporates the tastes of two different Italian cheeses and two salamis, with a bit of olive? And you can sample the “Refrescante,”” which melds cornmeal, Parmesan and Jalapeno, paired with a margarita. To add to the savory, on the sweet side of the plate you get to experience the favor thyme adds to chocolate when you bite into “Dark Desire,” a cookie its author recommends for Valentine’s Day.
The dozens of cookie recipes in “Cookies for Grown-ups” are original and easy to follow. And every occasion has a cookie to match: for riding the ski lift Kelly recommends “Trail Mix” paired with whatever is in your water bottle.
Who invented the cookie? Hint: It wasn’t the Brits. What we call cookies, they call biscuits. And it wasn’t the Dutch although our word, cookie, derives from their word, koejke, according to Cooper. Turns out it was ancient Egyptians—more than 25 millennia ago. And much later, the glory that was ancient Rome included recipes for both sweet honey cookies and savory pretzel-type cookies.
Kelly’s Cooper’s take on cookies, while soundly rooted in history is also so refreshingly cutting-edge that famous foodies are praising her just-published book such as York critic Gael Greene and Danny Meyers, head pastry chef of Nancy Olsen.
“Very seldom does a publisher see an absolutely original book proposal, but this submission (from the author’s agent) was that rarity and we jumped on it,” said Ilene Barth, publisher, Red Rocks Press (and part-time Telluride local). “After all, cookie-loving is forever.”
Judge for yourself, when you try one or two or more Tuesday evening.
For most information, contact Barth and Red Rock Press, 970-728-9605.
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