Holidays making you feel blorfty?
Can’t say cause you don’t know what blorft is?
“Blorft” is Tina Fey’s way of describing angst, holiday angst included. According to the superstar comic, the adjective is shorthand for “completely overwhelmed but proceeding as if everything is fine and reacting to the stress with the torpor of a possum.”
Part One of the holiday trifecta, Thanksgiving, is over. Thank heaven. Yes, you ate too much, but next day, you ran off the guilt. Now it’s on to the REALLY BIG STRESSOR: Christmas – at least the secular version of the holiday, when, Puff!, like magic, people we care deeply about morph into boxes to check off on a holiday gift list.
Need some ideas.
Here’s two for the ladies with everything.
How about a bra from Victoria’s Secret? Not just any bra. I am talking about this year’s version of their fantasy bra for only – hold onto to your wallet! – $2.5 million smackers. (No kidding. The unveiling, as it were, was mid-October.)
Or something slightly less spendy. A little number from Hermes, the latest version of the company’s classic hobo, Nausicaa, fashioned into a little purse from rose gold and diamonds will set you back only “$578,000.
For the man in your life, how about the Hoorsenbubs and Newbark’s new customized slip-on shoe? It made of American alligator with the option of a silver or yellow, white and rose gold buckles or chains, with or without diamonds. Price on request.
Not part of the 1 percent? Or just don’t want to show off. Besides, you prefer gifts with real soul. Something simply and homegrown.
This weekend, – Friday, December 7, 5 – 8 p.m., Saturday, December 8, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sunday, December 9, 11 a.m – 3 p.m., Telluride High School Cafeteria – Telluride Arts presents its annual Holiday Art Bazaar, a lively event all about thinking green and buying local, a tradition dating back to 1983.
The 2012 Holiday Bazaar is bigger and better than ever. The event features the work of 47 of the Telluride region’s skilled artists and artisans, including the following:
• Locally sourced artisanal foods from Kathleen Morgan’s Telluride Pickle and Jam
• Fabulous felted scarves by Lucy Boody
• Fine metalwork by Joanne Taplin
• Welded industrial candlesticks from Kathy Green and Co.
If you shop annually at the Bazaar, there are also plenty of new items to keep gift-giving fresh, including:
• Unique candle-lit, metal christmas trees by Anton Viditz-Ward
• A line of Big Colorado Love items by Beth Kelly
• Upcycled mittens by Jan Albrecht
• A new line of fine jewelry by Sue Hill, new soaps from Tomboy Soaps, and much, much more.
And so much more.
Make this holiday season pure Telluride. Feel good about giving gifts that give back locally and, an added bonus, are piggybank friendly.
For more information about Telluride Arts, Stronghouse Studios and Gallery 81435 on South Fir, go to www.TellurideArts.org, info@telluridearts.org, or call 970.728.3930.
And to preview what’s in store at the Bazaar, check out Clint Viebrock’s video.
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