Candlelight vigil, Newtown, Conn., CNN


Editor’s note: Almost all of us have been following the aftermath of the massacre in a Connecticut school. Newtown is our town. Their kids, our kids. The following is a response from our favorite Wordwoman, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, whose poetry, including her latest book, #13, “The Less I Hold,” can be found at Between the Covers Bookstore, Telluride.

Candlelight vigil, Newtown, Conn., CNN

Candlelight vigil, Newtown, Conn., CNN

Meeting the World Completely

Perhaps because the wound
is so deep, or perhaps because

there is not one petal left
to murmur over, or perhaps

because it really is a miracle,
today the heart breaks open

even wider and unthinking we exclaim
yes, yes to the wind as it stirs

the whole field into shimmer,
whirling all the loosened snow up, up

into the air until the invisible currents
are visible, white-frocked and shining,

swift swirl and rising, stiff scour then
drop. The uplift, ferocious,

and then the hushed sifting of light
through the dark evergreens,

the frisky cold kiss crystalline
on our cheeks—the wild gasp of oh in our breath

is spontaneous and real, every bit as real
as the world we would rather not know,

that terrible world, how it follows us
everywhere we go, how even now

its shadow makes this light
even more impossibly light.

  • Rosemerry Trommer
    Posted at 09:15h, 19 December

    After Several Very Hard Days

    In the boat of night
    my boy and I float.

    There are no oars.
    We use our voices

    to move through
    the waves. But

    the currents take
    us wherever the currents

    take us. It is dark.
    We hold each other

    as if there is no one
    else in the world.

    For this moment,
    there is no one else

    in the world. There is
    his voice. My voice.

    His ears. My ears.
    Our warmth. And

    the cold all around.

    • Marilyn MaC
      Posted at 19:48h, 19 December

      Beautiful you. Thank you for sharing. It hit deep for me, since I’m teaching 1st grade now. I struggled to go to sleep all weekend; viewing mental pictures of my students; wanting to hug them. It was heartwarming to finally get to do that Monday morning.
      Stepping over my troubled heart, this week has been to tie up educational goals and make the week before Christmas special for them. I’m so blessed to be able to share the beginnings of their lives. VERY SPECIAL.

  • priscilla peters
    Posted at 11:33h, 19 December

    So many tears, of joy and sadness. May we all be blessed this holiday season. Give the parents strength to carry on.
    Always beautiful rosemerry,


    • Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
      Posted at 11:40h, 19 December

      Oh Priscilla, thank you … man, there’s been a lot of crying, as you say, joy and sadness. How we hold them both at the same time in our tears. Such a wild breaking apart, this opening of the heart.