The holidays are upon us, so let’s party hardy!
The Telluride region is in for a new treat sure to become a tradition: The First Annual Telluride Holiday Prelude, linking seasonal activities in the Town of Telluride and Mountain Village.
Starting Noel Nite, Wednesday, December 5 – Sunday, December 16, enjoy two weeks of seasonal activities: Telluride Arts’ Holiday Bazaar (all weekend at the high school); outdoor ice-skating parties with a DJ, festival activities; a bonfire in Elks Park.
Telluride’s Nugget Theater is again presenting Nugget Nights: Wednesday, December 5- Thursday, December 6, movies are FREE. The featured film is Tim Burton’s “Frankenweenie.” Send the kiddos off with a few bucks to buy popcorn (proceeds go to Angel Baskets) and enjoy kid-free shopping.
There’s something for every age and grouping.
Now in it’s 26th year, we really love Noel Nite, a bona fide Telluride holiday tradition. It’s chaotic and a bit of an endurance sport, but acting as matchmakers between our books at Between the Covers and your gift list is what we do best.
For your participation, at Between the Covers you’ll get between 15% – 50% off your stack on the counter, depending on which color bead you pull from the stocking. If we’re out of something, place a Special Order and your Noel Night discount will apply when you pick it up!
Noel Night at Noon:
Stop in at noon to get books signed by six different local authors:
Stevie Decker: Finally, Volume 2 of “Tails of Telluride” is complete. After an entire summer painting dogs and their environs, Decker has again corralled an assortment of Telluride’s dogs in “Good to the Bone.” The first edition went through two printings until it went out of print, a sad bit of information to our customers every time one asked us for a copy. But now it’s back and better than ever, sized to complement the first volume, “Good to the Bone.” (And we are thrilled to announce that Crackers, the beloved Corgi of our bookseller Jennifer Fox, made the cut and is forever immortalized in the new collection.)
Jim Kolar: “Foreign Faction: Who Really Killed Jon Benet”
Mark Dresie: “The Snowboarder Joke Book”
Maribeth Clemente: “A Tour of the Heart”
Susan Lilly: featured in “The Divinity of Dogs”
Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer: A collection of all her poetry books minus the newest, to be featured during her author event on 12/12/12. (See below.)
Are you or someone on your list itching to try digital reading? No problem.
You CAN support BTC even when shopping online.
As part of the American Booksellers Association’s digital partnership with Kobo, Between the Covers now carries two models of eReaders. Come by to see and touch (aka demo) “The Glo” and “The Mini.” Over 3 million books await … and the best part is that the eBooks you purchase are attributed to BTC, helping us adapt and flourish in the evolving world of reading.
Author Events:
San Miguel County’s former Poet Laureate just can’t help herself. For over seven years, Rosemerry Trommer, the Word Woman, has been writing a poem a day. With that exception, her days may look a lot like yours-shoveling snow, feeding her family, weeding the garden, driving to work. And the questions she’s asking herself may be questions you ask yourself sometimes, too. What are we doing here? How do we make peace with death, our own and others? What if things fall completely apart? And then what? Why is this happening? What is love? While doing dishes, putting the kids to bed, skiing or peeling pears, Trommer finds the poetry in the act and shares it with the reader in what she calls “the big conversation,” the place where poetry meets the real world.
“Although very contemporary, her dazzling syntax, her ability to express complex emotions in such profound simplicity, put her in the company of poets like Emily Dickinson and Gerard Manley Hopkins as well as the ancient poets of China and Japan. I love her poetry, said author James Tipton.
(Watch for a related post this Thursday on Telluride Inside…and Out, including an podcast featuring Rosemerry reading selections from her new book.)
Born in war-torn Lucca, Italy, Vern Petri, a gregarious part-time local, has written a beautiful cookbook, an ode really, to his beloved Italy and its cuisine: “Tuscany al Verano: The Culinary Journey from Lucca.” With engaging historical stories that include being separated from his mother for eight years due to WWII and foraging for food in the woods to survive, tried-and-true home cooking taught to him by “Mamma” grace the the pages in between.
Vern is a proud member of the Chicago Chapter of the Lucchesi Nel Mondo Association, an arm of the Chamber of Commerce of Lucca. In 2010, he was awarded their Gold Medal, an annual presentation to those Lucchesi who have distinguished themselves in a foreign country.
Currently a well-known attorney by day in Indianapolis, his alter ego is behind the website www.italian-foods.com. Finding a void in the ability to purchase things Italian outside of major metropolitan areas of the U.S., he decided to bring the goodies into our homes. It’s worth a browse!
To perfectly complement Vern and his book, the Telluride Olive Oil Company will be on site for an olive oil and balsamic tasting. If you haven’t been to this new shop on Main Street’s southwest end, you’re in for a tasty treat, a perfect match with Vern’s zesty personality.
We’re hosting an apres-ski booksigning with 3-time Grammy winner Shawn Colvin to celebrate her memoir “Diamond in the Rough.” (FYI: Shawn is performing two shows at the Sheridan Opera House on Friday, December 28. Part of the proceeds from book sales will go towards the renovation fund of the historic venue.)
From Publishers Weekly in June:
“Named for the breakthrough hit on her first Grammy Award winning album of 1989 (Steady On) this charming, modest memoir tracks songwriter Colvin’s roots solidly in the Midwest and the determination to pursue the folksy, acoustic-guitar style that suited her. Born on the South Dakota prairie in 1956, she grew up singing in the church, moving around from Vermillion, S.D., to Carbondale, Ill., as her father pursued graduate studies in psychology and her mother eventually got a law degree. Seeing the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show galvanized her small world, and while prone to panic attacks and dread of school, she found that learning to play guitar, singing and songwriting, and sewing her own clothes were the only ways to motivate her. The 1970s blew in, and with it the magical folk songwriting of Judy Collins, James Taylor, and Joni Mitchell, among others; once graduated from high school, Colvin fronted bands from Austin, Tex., to New York City, and was nearly derailed by drinking until she went sober in 1983. By sticking with the community of folk writers and singers, such as those congregating at Cambridge, Mass.’s Passim coffeehouse, she toured as a backup singer for Suzanne Vega, whose managers introduced Colvin’s original songs to Columbia Records and she was signed. Colvin chronicles an impressive array of accompanists and backup, two husbands, and myriad awards such as her gold record with the 1997 hit ‘Sunny Came Home,’ all the while maintaining a low-key, sweet humility that is truly endearing.”
Although we’re used to seeing Shawn in the store, we are thrilled to add her name on our list of author/musician events.
(Remember Judy Collins last February? Such fun.)
S0 enjoy Noel Nite. But keep coming back for more at our bookstore. We hope we are one of the gifts of the town that keeps on giving.
Posted at 16:18h, 09 DecemberThank you so much Thelma.