06 Dec ALACAZEM 2012.12.06
December 6 to 13, 2012 Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury and Venus Evening: Mars and Jupiter
The waning Moon rises near dawn this week, each morning moving closer to the Sun. On Dec. 9th and 10th, expect to see a delicate lunar crescent hanging close to brilliant Venus in the predawn, deep-blue turquoise twilight. Then on Dec. 11th, watch as these two celestial goddesses – the archetypal nurturing Mother and magnificent, beautiful child – come together in an embracing planetary conjunction above the breaking light of dawn. Once again, a cause to pause and take in the awesome, stellar beauty of recurring planetary cycles in our ever-evolving Universe.
Nights are deep with darkness, it’s the time of the “Black Moon” and the end of 2012’s last eclipse cycle. Starry skies sparkle as the Milky Way maps the River of Souls across the heavens. The cosmic womb is open and silently embracing, a fertile field in which to plant our hopes and dreams.
I see the magnificent, magical synchronicity of these celestial events against the backdrop of the cosmos in this very poignant, powerful and potent week. On the evening of Dec. 11th, people all over Mexico and the Americas celebrate Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe – Our Lady of Guadalupe – and her appearance at Tepeyac Hill on Dec. 12, 1531. It is an evening of dancing, feasting, fireworks, luminarias, reverence and prayer for the many faces and guises of the Great Mother, the Mother of God, la Virgencita, the Mother of the Americas, the Mother Earth, the Mother of Us All. As the Moon and Venus come together in the heavens, so do mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, children old and young – all over America and the world – embrace in love, laughter, compassion and joy.
And this year, el dia de Guadalupe takes place on a day of prophetic numerical symmetry – 12.12.12. – much like 12.21.12 – Winter Solstice 2012 – the prophesized end date of the Mayan Long Count Calendar, and for some more dramatic types, “the end of the World.” Many call Guadalupe the Woman of the Apocalypse[1] and look to her for guidance, protection, succor, strength and courage in these rather “apocalyptic” times.
For me, it’s all about trust and a giant leap of faith, dance and prayer in celebration of the Mother – yours, mine, all Mothers of the world – everyone has a Mother – however one sees, feels, knows, loves and needs her – and the maternal gifts of life, liberty, love, peace, gratitude and grace. Guad bless…For me, it’s all about trust and a giant leap of faith, dancing in celebration of all Mothers and their gifts of life, liberty, love, peace, gratitude and grace. Guad bless…
[1] From the New American Bible, the Book of Revelation
11:19 Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and…there were flashes of lightning, rumblings, and peals of thunder, an earthquake, and a violent hailstorm. 12:1 A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars…
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) The last quarter Moon wraps up a rather intense lunar cycle this week, encouraging deep travel in to the inner workings of soul and psyche. What lies beneath the physical manifestations of our behaviors? Are you hiding or disguising the truth? Working with therapists and spiritual advisors help unearth the buried treasure of health and healing. Try it.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) Partners and partnership issues continue to dominate the scene as lunar light wanes and personal planets dance in your solar 7th house of primary relationships. Maintain inner peace and equanimity when you interact with others, focusing on your part rather than theirs. Philanthropic motivation has you giving from the heart. It’s all good.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Messenger, magician and trickster planet Mercury moves into Sagittarius this week to join the Sun in your solar 7th house of longterm relationships, putting you in touch with others via both physical and virtual worlds. Whether it’s a greeting card, phone call, visit or email, communicate with and touch the ones you love. Happy holidays!
Cancer (June 21-July 22) The romantic nostalgia of the holiday season evokes feelings of love and hope. Memories and emotions flow freely as mental Mercury and loving Venus move through your solar 5th house of the heart. Busy with holiday preparations, find time to bless the simple joys of home and hearth. Share time with people you like, get out and see the lights.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) Homelife is the best life now. A crackling fire, a comfy couch and a little Christmas cheer generate feelings of gratitude and grace. Amidst the holiday hustle and bustle, carve out some quiet nights and quality time with those you love. Inner peace is the key to happiness and giving from the heart is most precious. Have fun, touch the spirit and feel the joy.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) As early December winds its way toward Christmas, pace yourself and your spending. Recognize your own self-worth and the deep meaning and true value of heartfelt giving. Time and attention are the most precious gifts you can give. Make your home a place of beauty and grace via cleanliness and godliness. Love is sweet, share it and feel it.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) Mercury and Venus in your solar 2nd house of self-creative talents and resources may have you crafting gifts, making cards or beautifying your home in the spirit of Christmas. Peace and harmony are your allies this holiday season. Be the calming influence that helps others experience the joy of universal love. Sweet and kind, you are happy and blessed.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) You may find yourself busy, busy and running in an effort to “get ‘er done.” Rather than stress, enjoy the hustle-bustle energy of the holiday season. Slow down. Joy, love and beauty surround you; take a look and see it. Shimmering lights, happy faces and festive decorations abound. It’s really all about love and peace. Be the change and live the magic.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) As your birthday month continues, candles flicker and cakes are cut. Sharing your nativity with holiday festivities is a combination of good luck and cosmic timing. Tap into your own inherent motivation to explore spirit and give from the heart. Take the high road on your travels through December. Carry the light and illuminate the path.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) As motivator Mars continues marching through your sign, tap in to the high spirit of self-fueled, right action. Waning moonlight favors a path of heartfelt giving. Follow the road less traveled through mystical lands of soul and spirit. Tap into the mystical, divine, angelic forces of the universe by listening, seeing and feeling. Good luck on your journey.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Good things come via professional or social interactions. You may reap the benefits of financial reward for years of work, commitment and responsibility as deal close and payments are made. Patience is a virtue and perseverance furthers. You have both and now experience the benefits. Compassion and forgiveness are allies in moving forward. Go forth.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) The Sagittarius sun time is one of goal achievement and recognition for the Fish. Sewing, crafting and gift-making elucidate creative, artistic skills and award you with self-satisfaction. It feels good to be productive. Friends help motivate you to get out and about, socialize and share the holiday spirit. Intimate nights are sweet, indulge in love!
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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