01 Nov ALACAZEM 2012.11.01
November 1 to 8, 2012 Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Jupiter Evening: Mercury and Mars
Holy Maria, Madre de Dios……Get out and Vote!
Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day – Dia de los Muertos – bring the western world a chance to stop the clock and check in with the timeless world of spirit.
We have watched the artful hand of Mother Nature mix emerald greens with brilliant gold and crimson, infusing landscapes with the kaleidoscope colors and textures of autumn; paint mountaintops snow-white and then slowly denude shimmering trees to skeletons of their former grandeur. Here and there a magnificent cloak of orange and peach lingers amongst the woody nakedness. Fallen leaves blanket forests and swirl on city sidewalks, fires are kindled and ravens gather for winter.
November is now upon us. Thanksgiving is fast approaching. Election Day is next Tuesday and Daylight Savings Time ends this coming Sunday. Darkness will come early, and we will suddenly gasp at the dramatic change. Our entire nation is certain to be betwixt and between in the upcoming Presidential electoral process as difficult situations and challenging conditions manifest. As above, so below.
Several months ago I took a look at the planetary aspects of Election Day. The Uranus/Pluto square in Aries/Capricorn – which is a major player in the extreme polarities, power punches and plutocratic swings of these intense social, geo-political and economic times – has been and continues to be a demonic, dynamic fight between good and evil. Where and when does one draw the line? Is it even possible to do so? Planetary squares force confrontation, evoke conflict and demand change. It is like what happens when an uncontrollable force meets up with an immovable object. Wham! And yet, this is going on everywhere, in everybody, both individually and collectively, as a long term, rather upsetting, but ultimately liberating, transit. Let us just say, we are doing the best we can. And for the record, the Uranus/Pluto square continues on into 2015, so we might as well get used to it and come up with pro-active strategies that work.
That said, there is another equally disturbing planetary positioning taking place on Election Day: Mercury is stationary retrograde in Sagittarius on that day, going retrograde at 4:04 pm MST. The last time Mercury was retrograde on Election Day was November 7, 2000: Gore vs. Bush, hanging chads, postponed results, recount and eventual Supreme Court decision on who was to be the 43rd President of the U.S.A. Enough said.
With all the devastation in New York, New Jersey and New England, the entire eastern seaboard is in the balance. God, Jesus, Santa Maria de Guadalupe and Joseph help us. Y todos los santos, tambien. We need all the help we can get, visible and invisible. Just make sure you get out and VOTE! Don’t let a stationary Mercury going retrograde on Election Day keep you down! Good luck and may the best man win.
p.s. I have already voted for Obama/Biden!
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) A very dynamic week presents itself and with it comes a variety of thoughts, emotions and actions. Voluptuous Venus in aesthetically sensitive Libra opposes wildcat Uranus in impulsive Aries, forcing a balance of personal and divine will. If you find yourself close to losing it, take a time out. Breathe deep, focus on gratitude and cultivate faith.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) Your ruling planet, sweet Venus, plays an important role in this electoral week, first opposing unpredictable Uranus and then squaring power-hungry Pluto. It’s certain to be a close and rather excruciating time of ups and downs, when the world seems crazy and you’re not sure what’s going on. Hang in there with your customary calm and lead others by example.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Mercury, ruler of transportation, communication and thought, makes a station and goes retrograde on Election Day. Bad news. The last time this happened was in 2000, when we all learned about “hanging chads.” Be sure to get out and vote, do what you can to make it count. The world hangs in the balance and energy is catchy. Be the best you can be.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) All Saints Day reminds us that there have been countless martyrs and mystics through the ages, people who have suffered and sacrificed for spiritual reasons and causes. As one who understands the power of emotion and the need for nurturing, do your absolute best when it comes to helping and healing personal, social and global pain. Be there to care.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) Wild and wacky ups and downs, challenges and changes come this week via social and political drama. Do your best to pass the test when it comes to keeping your cool amidst the chaos and confusion. Mercury retrograde on Election Day may impede progress at the polls; persevere when it comes to getting there. Think positive, and be pro-active.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) Guardian angels protect and guide you, in spite of obstacles and obstructions. Look for omens and follow the signs. Pay attention to synchronicity and coincidence. There are deeper, profound teachings along your path of life. Practice acceptance and recognize that a change in your own behavior causes changes in the behavior of others.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) The Scorpio zodiac month favors the acceptance of personal responsibility in each and every aspect of your life. If you are unhappy with someone else’s behavior, change your own. If you don’t like a situation or circumstance, identify what you can do to make it better or simply walk away. There is plenty of job security at home. Do the work.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) As you celebrate another revolution around the Sun, take a good, long look at how you arrived at where you are today. Giving thanks to both the visible and invisible, physical and spiritual realms aligns you with the mystical, mysterious process of true evolutionary experience and growth. Get in synch with the universe via daily practice and live the magic of miracles.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) As you move ever closer to your birthday month, practice living in the ever-present now. Awaken to the moment and the miracle of life. Your Earth journey is one of great meaning and purpose. Understand the power of example and be the change you want to see in others and the world. We can only expect to get what we give. Give it your best.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) Love and money planet Venus, revolutionary Uranus and power-obsessed Pluto are at it again in cardinal signs, paving the way for push-and-pull moments, events and experiences. Your ongoing metamorphosis continues as you feel the depth of social, political and global change in relation to your personal life here on Earth. Be aware and practice self-care.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Ruler Uranus in opposition to relationship-loving Venus encourages a combination of self-reliance and sharing where others are concerned. Take action in areas of personal competence and give partners and co-workers the opportunity to excel in their areas of expertise. Balance and enlightened awareness are keys to success. Be sweet, calm and pro-active.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Mercury is stationary retrograde on Election Day and astrologers worldwide are saying, “oh, no!” Hopefully, we make it through the day without major setbacks or problems. We shall see. In the Pisces world, this translates as a trip back to the future, a time when you recalibrate your personal and professional hopes and dreams. Take your time.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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