Twelve years making grants available to regional nonprofits
The Telluride Foundation’s annual Community Grant application is now available. Nonprofit organizations serving the people who live or work in San Miguel County are encouraged to apply. Grant applications are due Monday, October 29, 2012, by 5 p.m. A webinar to review the application, including a question and answer session, will be held by the staff of the Telluride Foundation Saturday, October 1 at 2:00 p.m.
To date, the Foundation has awarded over $8.5 million in Community and Special Initiative Grants and over $20.2 million in total grants since its inception in 2000. Last year, the Foundation awarded $901,200 in Community Grants to 70 regional nonprofits, and it expects to award a similar amount this year. The Telluride Foundation is the largest grant funder on the Colorado Western Slope.
“The donors of the Telluride Foundation have been incredibly generous during the past several years of tough economic times”, said Paul Major, President of the Telluride Foundation, “Because of their passionate commitment to the community, we are fortunate to be able to again make available over $900,000 funding for the 2012 Community Grants cycle.”
The grant application, evaluation and awarding process is entirely electronic, saving applicants time and resources and allowing the Telluride Foundation to evaluate critical information on organizational and community trends and program proposal outcomes. All organizations awarded grants must submit a report evaluating the success of the grant and how the grant benefited the community. Complete grant guidelines and a link to the application form are available on the Foundation’s website: www.telluridefoundation.org .
Instructions for participation in the October 1st webinar are also posted on the Telluride Foundation’s website. The webinar, which all applicants are required to watch, will also be available to view on the Foundation’s website anytime after Oct. 1st. If you have any questions regarding the grant guidelines or application, please contact April Montgomery, Programs Director at the Foundation at 728-8717 or april@telluridefoundation.org.
Any qualified nonprofit organization serving individuals who live or work in San Miguel County and whose programs and activities are consistent with the mission of the Foundation is eligible to apply for a grant from the Telluride Foundation. Applications are reviewed by the Grants Committee. The Grants Committee through their deliberation generates a slate of recommendations which is then reviewed and finalized by the Board of Directors at their annual meeting in December.
The Telluride Foundation annual Community Grants program is just one of the ways the Foundation supports the Telluride community. The Foundation also provides training, workshops, capacity building and technical assistance for nonprofits organizations, emergency hardships grants, Executive Director seminars and initiatives in health, rural development, early childhood development and immigrant integration.
About the Telluride Foundation:
The Telluride Foundation exists to create a stronger Telluride community through the cultivation and promotion of philanthropy. It is a nonprofit, apolitical community foundation that provides year-round support for local organizations involved in arts, education, athletics, charitable causes, land conservation and other community-based efforts through technical assistance, education and grant making. As a grant maker, the Foundation awards grants to qualified applicants that serve the people living and/or working in the Telluride region for the purpose of enhancing the quality of life within the region. For more information on the Telluride Foundation, visit www.telluridefoundation.org.
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