“I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back,” Maya Angelou
When the global economic meltdown hit in 2008, trickle down took on a whole new meaning. The crisis left many nonprofits scrambling. But in Telluride, not so much, in large part because there was no downturn in the volunteers who contribute time and energy.
And now they are having a ball. And we mean that literally.
We are talking about the upcoming Volunteers Ball, a free night of music and dance featuring The Jeff Solon 14-piece Swingin’ Big Band and DJ Apoc. The evening is a way for the Telluride region’s business community to celebrate volunteerism and to thank participants for their blood, sweat and years.
The Volunteer Ball takes place art the Telluride Conference Center (and at an adjacent Big White Tent) in Mountain Village, Saturday, September 8, starting at 8 p.m.
The following are the organizations extending thanks.
Mountains to the Desert Ride
Ah Haa School for the Arts
Telluride Adaptive Sports Program
Telluride AIDS Benefit
San Miguel Resource Center
Telluride Institute
Telluride Theatre
Angel Baskets
One Telluride
Bright Futures
Second Chance Humane Society
Habitat for Humanity
Sheridan Arts Foundation
Palm Theatre
Elks Lodge
Rotary Club
Telluride, Mtn Village, and Placerville Fire Departments
EMTs and San Miguel Search and Rescue
Telluride Playwright’s Festival
Chamber Music Festival
Telluride Jazz Festival
Blues and Brews Festival
Bluegrass Festival
Yoga Festival
Wine Festival
Film Festival
Mushroom Festival
Compassion Festival
Telluride Dance Academy
Pinhead Institute
Telluride Arts
Telluride Choral Society
Telluride Womens Network
EcoAction Partners
Just For Kids
One to One Mentoring Program
Friends of Wilkinson Library
Telluride Museum
Telluride Medical Center
Nordic Association
Telluride Ski and Snowboard Club
Board members of the Town of Telluride, Mountain Village, and San Miguel County
Members of Local Nonprofit Boards and Commissions
Telluride Fountation
Telluride Animal Foundation
University Centers of San Miguel
Telluride Association of Realtors
Telluride and Mountain Village Schools
Telluride Jewish Community
Christ Presbyterian Church
Telluride Alpine Chapel
Telluride Christian Fellowship
Saint Patricks Church
Not a volunteer? You can purchase a $50 ticket. And the Friends also graciously accept donations from those who wish to join the Friends of Our Community Volunteers.
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