27 Sep ALACAZEM 2012.09.27
September 27 to October 4, 2012 Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Jupiter Evening: Mars and Saturn
This weekend Telluride pays homage to the ’70’s with a “40 year Reunion” event that reminds those of us who’ve been here since then just how old we are. In writing the intro to my column this week, I decided to post an excerpt from my first article in the Telluride Magazine from years ago, as it takes me back to my first experience of Telluride…
The first time I saw the Telluride valley, it was shrouded in mist. A friend and I had just tried, and failed, to outdrive an August cloudburst as we headed north from the ancient Anasazi ruins of Mesa Verde. The puffy white clouds of the morning had grown increasingly dark as the day progressed, and as we wound our way up Highway 145 we began to wonder if the blackening sky could mean a change in plans.
I could feel the moisture and electricity in the air. As the darkening sky gathered strength and power for rain, my heart was also swelling with emotion. Suddenly, the heavens were filled with lightning and thunder, followed by torrential rain. Instant streams came running off the canyon walls. I found myself wondering if we would make it to Telluride. As we neared the summit of the pass, the rain lessened slightly, allowing us to view the incredible scenery. The jagged mountain peaks and the contrasting greens of forest and meadow were like an impressionist’s when viewed through rain. Relaxing a bit, I took a deep breath and smiled at my companion. I felt as if we had made it through the worst. Then a bolt of lightning struck the pinnacle of Lizard Head Peak, shooting white light down the shaft and crackling electricity along the skyline. The booming thunder that followed struck a velvet chord within my soul; I felt as if I had been charged with that inexplicable energy of enlightenment. There was definitely something special about this place.
By the time we reached Telluride, the light show had subsided; the rumbling sounds of thunder in the distance were more romantic than threatening. The rain continued in its downpour, and the sound of raindrops on the car roof became comforting.
Rather than attempting to set up camp, we decided to look for a moderately priced hotel to fit our college-bound budgets. It was the summer of 1970, and I was eighteen years old – an age when we seem to feel intelligent, confident, and innocent all at once. We spent the night in the old Roma Hotel, and the rain continued throughout the night. The roof leaked a bit, the saggy iron bed creaked, and the rust-stained sink and toilet were down the hall, but I was just glad to have a place to sleep, out of the weather.
The morning dawned clear and bright. My friend and I walked the streets of town, checking out the old, boarded up Victorian houses and dilapidated storefronts. We could feel the ethereal quality of the moment, as if we were in a place suspended in time. Plans had been announced to turn Telluride into a ski resort, and the development that would follow was certain to change the unique character of the town. Being a skier, I was excited by the idea, but having been born in Colorado and witnessing its growth and exploitation, I felt sorry for the little town. I wanted to protect it, to save it…to somehow help it maintain its integrity.
I returned to Telluride in 1977 to make it my home…
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) The 2012 full Harvest Moon is a lunation of great cosmic significance, and especially so for the Ram. The metamorphic planetary square of revolutionary Uranus in Aries to transformational Pluto in Capricorn is illuminated to such an intense degree that you can see far beyond the normal limits of reality. It’s all about personal change and you are it.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) Venus, traditional ruler of both Taurus and Libra, plays a major role in this week’s powerful cosmic dance of lunar and solar light. Feminine and masculine roles collide, calling for both inspirational support and psychological depth. Focus on the wealth of loving kindness and compassion as you follow your personal truth and cultivate inner peace.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) With so much going on in the heavens this week, you may feel as if you’re flying at warp speed through layers of darkness and light, good and evil, love and hate. Polarities and possibilities collide in a square dance of undeniable power and potential. The challenge is to remain calm and confident amidst the chaos and change. Do your best. You will survive.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Moonchildren often celebrate the Harvest Moon with festivities of abundance, gratitude and grace. Activities that honor the Mother Earth, nurture family and friends or put you in synch with the universe are certain to touch your heart and uplift your spirit. As the world continues to appear more and more crazy, find peace at home. Count your blessings.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) Voluptuous Venus in fiery Leo ignites passion and excites romance as the cosmos continues to flame red-hot with desire and intrigue. Attractions are strong, mysterious possibilities tantalize the imagination and excite action. Look behind the façade and discover what’s really going on inside. What appears to be so is most likely not. Enjoy the heat but don’t get burnt.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) You may feel a bit confused and out-of-synch with the cosmos and yet unable to detach yourself from what’s going on. The recent Virgo new Moon comes to fruition this week in Libra/Aries, calling upon the Virgin to maintain composure, practice balance and cultivate inner peace. Guess what? Even with so much change and challenge, you can do it. Hang in there!
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) Feminine energies and archetypes are called to the front lines as asteroid Ceres forms a cardinal Grand Cross to the T-square of the Sun, Moon, Uranus and Pluto as the Moon grows full. This translates as one of the most challenging and dynamic breakthrough potential weeks of the entire year. Keep the peace, inside and out. Listen to your heart, follow the light.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Mars in Scorpio is your ally this week as the ancient god of war and men square dances with voluptuous Venus and wins her heart. Follow your own internal wisdom as you embrace the deep inherent passion of your heart. Relax and feel the power of eternity as you ride the rolling river of transformation and metamorphosis. You are a sacred warrior of love and light.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) As you immerse yourself in the ever-evolving river of life and go with the cosmic flow, you may discover just how magical and magnificent life can be when you let go and relax. Your naturally positive, optimistic, can-do approach to conflict and challenge works well for you and others. So well, that you are in high demand. Cultivate healthy boundaries, practice self-care.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) This is a snap, crackle, pop week of power and potential for the Mountain Goat, when you may find yourself doing more and sleeping less than usual. Pressure from partners, self-willed agendas and business or politics in general has you running. Take time to slow down and breathe. One day at a time, do the next right thing and know you are blessed.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) A Venus square to Mars and the lunar nodes in fixed signs may have you feeling challenged in relationships or romance. Be as calm and composed as possible, in spite of the rapidly shifting tides. Cosmic messages emanate throughout the ethers. Tune in your antennae and prepare to receive. Angels and devils dance in the moonlight. Pick your partner.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) It may all feel overwhelming, too much or simply ridiculous. The national political scene, the craziness of society, the ever-evolving consciousness of the human psyche and the seeming lack of goodness. Whatever you are doing, thinking and feeling, never forget your connection to the divine. You are a miraculous work in progress. Be the change you want the world to be.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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