ALACAZEM 2012.09.13

ALACAZEM 2012.09.13

September 13 to 20, 2012             Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Jupiter  Evening: Mars and Saturn

Last week I found myself driving through waves of memory and emotion. The road to Denver was evocative. A trip I’ve made countless times, this time, somehow deeper and more intense. The first trace of fall color in the mountains and valleys, the brilliant blue Colorado sky, fruit stands and vineyards, schools back in session. The road back home, to where I was born, the place I grew up and learned how to live, how to be. How to run, jump and throw the football, how to play and ride a bike. How to win, and how to lose. Brothers and sisters, mother and father, grandparents and relatives, friends who have come and gone. All a tapestry of experience, lessons and learning. The way back home.

Today I sit in my bunkhouse office, typing words and counting blessings. This day is a magnificent gift. Sunflowers and zinnias burst forth in the late summer sunshine, the Virginia creeper has turned a luscious crimson red. Tomatoes are abundant and peppers are ready for harvest. Basil is fragrant and deep, deep green. The Moon is waning, the nights blue-black. The other evening I walked out to close the greenhouse door and met up with Mars, shining bright orange-yellow in the western sky. Nearby was the distinctive constellation Scorpius, with its also orangish heart-star Antares, also shining down upon me, reminding me that all is as it should be. And next to the mighty Scorpion, the Milky Way shimmered in classic beauty, emanating the mystery of eternity. The hand of destiny swept over me, it took my breath away.

On September 15th @ 8:11 pm MDT the Sun and Moon form the exact conjunction aspect of a New Moon in the late degrees of virtuous Virgo. Once again we are presented with the opportunity to begin again. It’s a fortuitous, fertile time to plant seeds for another lunar cycle, this time in honor of the Virgin, the Madonna of the harvest. A time when emotion and reason unite, soul and spirit, yin and yang join force. Astrologically, this is a week of incentive and direction, filled with a variety of significant cosmic events. Powerful Pluto in Capricorn ends its yearly retrograde phase on September 17th and two days later forms the second of seven exact squares to revolutionary Uranus in Aries. This translates as a shifting of individual and collective direction, waves of change wash over the planet, giant leaps and major breakthroughs are possible.

No doubt you are feeling the same emotional intensities that I’ve been feeling. As the seasons turn, so do we. God bless and may the goddess of the Harvest direct and guide your happy, course. Happy Virgo New Moon.

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) If you feeling like a victim, slave or underling of sorts, prepare for a giant step forward. Up and out, into the free zone of liberated responsibility and personal freedom. As Pluto ends its yearly retrograde phase, you see exactly what you need to do now. The past is history; the future is a mystery. Embrace courage, do it right and live fully in the present.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) Evolution means stepping into the unknown, embracing the chaos of creation and manifesting your best. As you understand the value of consistent, focused attention and application, be one who brings the structure, order and shape of revolutionary ideas and solutions into form. Virtue, honesty and patience are allies. Perseverance furthers.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) On Sept. 19th Uranus and Pluto form the second of seven exact squares, marking a major turning point in both individual and collective consciousness. Energetic resonance from the turbulent 60’s – civil rights, anti-war, back to the Earth, feminism and “flower power” – evoke thoughts, emotion and action. Go forward upon the path, do your best.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) A fresh new Moon and lunar cycle begin as the Sun and Moon conjoin in late Virgo. The stars align in favor of self-betterment, work, service and genuine humility. It is time to act in earnest and do what it takes to make the world a healthier, happier place. Make a pledge; sign up for cause or simply practice random acts of kindness. The time is now. Get up and go.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22) With love and money planet Venus now moving through Leo, you are in an excellent position to attract exactly what you want your way. Personal magnetism, charisma and charm emanate from a deep well of soul and spirit. Feel the power of heart and go with the flow. New Moon energy favors a humble, rather than flamboyant approach. Plant the seed.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) Moving with grace and living in harmony with the natural flow carries you like a river of love and light through life’s greatest challenges and conflicts. Joy, hope and faith are always there, available for those who chose to recognize and embrace them. Enlightenment is accessible in every moment and each experience. Let go of expectation and accept what is.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) As the Sun and Moon come together in your solar 12th house of self-reflection and spiritual connection, recognize the vast well of power and potential that lives and breathes in quiet spaces and beautiful places. Mother Nature calls to your heart as seasons shift and autumn paints the landscape brilliant. Breathe deep, cultivate inner peace and walk in beauty.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) This week emerges as one with plenty of potential and charm, challenge and drama. With motivational Mars now in mid-Scorpio, you are no doubt feeling the rapid movement of life, the ever-flowing river of opportunity and experience from which you navigate your course. Freedom of choice is a sacred gift. Action and consequence are an equation. Choose wisely.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) A Virgo new Moon in your solar 10th house of professional direction and attention initiates a new beginning regarding career and achievement. If you’ve been contemplating or working toward change, enhancement or expansion here, you may very well see it manifest. Whatever takes place; know that the universe supports your efforts toward re-creation. Go for goodness.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) The second of seven Uranus/Pluto squares excites will and awakens consciousness as you see the magnificent potential of enlightened change and educated choice. Political, social and personal arenas light up in a dance of action and consequence. The Virgo new Moon illuminates the role you have to play in the cosmic drama. Take the high road.

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Planet Uranus co-rules Aquarius and this week it plays an important role in the unfolding cosmic drama of power themes worldwide. Social, political and personal arenas light up as fighters fight battles, challenge opponents and throw strategic punches in attempts to win. The best ally here is knowledge. Arm yourself with information and focus on truth.

Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Where are you going and what are you doing? Numinous Neptune retrograde in Pisces surrounds you with a misty, mystical fog that others may not be able to penetrate or navigate. As a result, your actions can be misunderstood. This is a time of divinely inspired self-reflection and creativity. Focus on silence, inner peace, healing and forgiveness.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @












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