“Whatever your mind can conceive and believe your mind can achieve.”
When Napoleon Hill trumpeted those words in 1937, the United States was in the depths of the Great Depression. At the bidding of Scottish entrepreneur Andrew Carnegie, this phrase was the result of 20 years of research in which Napoleon Hill interviewed successful people throughout the country in an effort to discover the secret to their success.
Through this process, Hill learned that there are 13 steps to riches that successful people adhere to in their daily lives and that these steps are not dependent upon education, ethnicity, or gender, but are a direct result of how we think. The list of people interviewed represents a Who’s Who of American icons: Henry Ford, Theodore Roosevelt, William Jennings Bryan, Charles Schwab, Woodrow Wilson, John D. Rockefeller, and Thomas Edison to name a few.
Hill’s book has sold more than 20 million copies, and is considered one of the hallmarks of the business world. Judging by its title, few would suspect the lessons on its pages apply to something beyond monetary wealth.
Friday, July 27 – Sunday, July 29, at the Wilkinson Public Library, local entrepreneur and co-founder of Life Course Discovery Charlie Shelton leads a three-day workshop with his brother John:
“In our program we show you how your life is a direct result of your thinking, or as we explain to our younger audiences, thoughts are things” explains Shelton.
While programs such as this one most often require a monetary investment that can range from $500 to $1000, at our library it is free and open to anyone who wishes to attend.
“It is funny to think how people will commit without hesitation to a three-day rafting trip in this area, but when you ask them to take a free 20-hour workshop that will transform their lives, they inevitably balk at the opportunity,” suggests Shelton.
The program begins with a series of experiences that examine how your mind is programmed to adhere to childhood beliefs that are often based on misinformation or compensatory mechanisms. Participants then look at the values they wish to manifest in their adult lives and discover a process to make those values a reality. As one former participant explains:
“These seminars have changed my life forever. I have awakened to realize that only I have the key to my true happiness, and I have finally learned how to love myself as well as others.”
Anyone interested in attending this free workshop should visit www.lifecoursediscovery.com and click on “Register.” The $25 registration fee has been waived for this workshop at the library and anyone over the age of 13 is welcome to attend.
Want to learn more about the philosophy of this workshop? Check out the classic book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, on the shelves at the Wilkinson Public Library.
For a better understanding of the workshop and to learn more about the work of Napoleon Hill, click on the video below:
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