Created in 1986, the mission of Telluride TV, originally TCTV12, remains, in a nutshell, to celebrate Telluride’s culture by capturing its vitality and connecting citizens to on another through media arts education, community-based content, and access to broadcasting. Under the leadership of executive director Katie Karow, Telluride TV is on its way to becoming the hippest, funkiest media source in the community, the visual analog to KOTO Community radio whose core values the station continues to mirror: non-profit, non-commercial, locally managed and operated, community-focused, citizen-driven, innovative, and reflecting a diversity of interests and viewpoints.
Saturday, September 22, 2012 Telluride TV hosts its First Annual Video Awards competition. The live-streamed, red carpet event takes place at the Sheridan Opera House at 7:00 p.m., where the party includes libations, food and dancing.
Cash prizes and a custom trophy created by local artist Lisa Issenberg will be given for Viewers Choice – the winning film in this category will be shown at the Telluride Film Festival’s Sunday at The Palm in October – Best Student Film, Funniest, and Best Overall/Judges pick.
Here’s how you participate.
You must be 12 or over to enter a short film you have created, which should be eight minutes or under. For entry details, go to http://telluridetv.org/video-awards/.
Judges include award-winning documentary filmmaker Ben Knight and Jeff Price, “Who Framed Roger Rabbit,” “Shrek III” and more).
And you will be able to vote for your favorite video beginning on Sunday, September 2, on Telluride Inside & Out’s Facebook Fan Page.
Tickets are $25 and go on sale September 1st.
For more information, watch this video:
And to learn more about how to Create Your Own Video
When: Aug 13-16, 2012, meets 5:30 PM-7:30 PM
Where: Telluride TV Studio in the High School
Tuition: $200.00
David Byers- Telluride TV Production Manager
Lary Simpson- Former partner at entertainment law firm of Bloom, Dekom and Hergott. Co-produced films such as Top Gun, Beverly Hills Cop, The Rock.
Description: Learn the basics to create a short film (8 minutes or under) to enter in the Video Awards Competition coming up this September.
Aug 13th: Screenwriting overview-How to tell your story. (Lary Simpson)
Aug 14th: How to use a professional video camera. Discuss filming with iphones, flip cameras and other inexpensive modern devices.
Aug 15th: Intro to editing. Your choice, iMovie or Final Cut Pro. Everyone in the class will use the same raw footage. Choose your own music, chose what clips you want to put together and compare your creation with the class
Aug 16th: Individual project discussion and guidance
** Class includes a two- month Telluride TV membership to check out professional cameras and use Telluride TV’s editing software.
To register: http://reg130.imperisoft.com/UCSM/ProgramDetail/3233343832/Registration.aspx
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