13 Jul ALACAZEM 2012.07.12
July 12 to 19, 2012 Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Jupiter Evening: Mercury, Mars and Saturn
Last Sunday I watched Ziggy Marley perform at the annual KOTO DooDah in the Telluride Town Park. When we left our house in the West End that afternoon, the sky above Telluride was a deep, dark grey-blue – torrential rain. Of course, we weren’t complaining. It was a welcome reprieve from southwest Colorado’s severe drought and we had plenty of rain gear. Without a blink, we loaded the Jeep and headed for the high country to meet whatever came our way.
By the time we arrived in Telluride, the downpour had run its course. A soft drizzle followed us to the town park and eventually ceased altogether. Lucky us.
Ziggy was awesome. His moves, his message, his music – stellar. A fabulous way to break in the luscious, languid days of mid-summer and the rich emotions and sensations of the Cancer zodiac month. Ziggy is a Libra and his message and music constellate the Libran ethics of peace, love, beauty and harmony; balance, equality and justice. His stage presence is calming, comforting and charismatic, his smile infectious. He moves with Libran beauty, balance and grace. Lucky us.
Thanks for making it back to Telluride, Ziggy. And to KOTO, thanks for asking him to come. May we see him again and again. And in the meantime, let’s continue to dance for rain, shimmer with rainbows and shine with the stars. Happy mid-summer!
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) The waning Moon winds its way through the last week of the Gemini lunar cycle, bringing closure to a month of lessons and learning regarding issues of communication, transportation and personal business. And just in time for a retrograde period of Mercury in Leo, where you can use this new, insightful knowledge in all matters of the heart. Relax and let it flow.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) With several planets now moving retrograde, you can choose between fighting the tide or treating yourself to a more relaxed and laid back approach to summer. After all, isn’t this the season for fun? Whether you’re on the road or in the ballpark, accept life on life’s terms and discover the enigmatic magic of uncertainty. Find beauty; seize the day.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) The Moon occults Jupiter in Gemini this week, a portent of emotional and spiritual synthesis. Be open, accepting and compassionate with self and others as you walk your talk and travel a path of heart. You are on the front side of a wildly wonderful year of expansion, opportunity and growth. Relax and let goodness flow in and all around you. It’s all good.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Guardian spirits and angelic forces surround you now. Be open and willing to feel and see them. A passel of planets moving retrograde may pull you backwards, into the past or another place equally as poignant and rich with emotion. Maintain a sense of calm and inner peace as you deal with life’s customary chaos and confusion. Happiness is an inside job.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) Mental Mercury goes retrograde in Leo the same day the Moon occults Jupiter in Gemini. This translates as a point of shifting perspective and perception, when you see the magic in the madness and the calm within the storm. The trick here is in maintaining composure and cultivating inner peace. Great things are taking place. Relax enough to see them.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) You may find yourself dealing with an emotionally charged crisis involving people with whom you are intimate or intimately involved. Whether it’s family, friends, lovers or partners, keep a cool head and calm heart. Saturn direct in Libra encourages pragmatic, realistic attitudes and approaches. Balance equations and focus on practical solutions.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) You may feel incredibly calm inside amidst a week of outside ups and downs, highs and lows. Cultivating inner peace via a daily spiritual practice allows you to juggle resources, manage energies and balance equations. Partners and significant others may surprise you with old habits or odd behaviors. It’s a process of death and rebirth. Focus on you.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Mercury retrograde in your solar 10th house of achievement and success may pull you back to professional bucket lists or previously identified goals. This influence favors career reflection and review, when you can clearly see the path upon which you’ve traveled. Work on what you’ve already started rather than beginning anew. Find, finish, wrap and walk.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) Happy moments in sharing and pairing abound this week as Jupiter occults the Moon in your solar 7th house of important others. With several planets retrograde, you may revive and revisit old feelings and previously significant relationships. Good news is that you are somewhat emotionally detached and healthy here. Cultivate compassion and be kind.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) Revolutionary awakener Uranus goes retrograde in square aspect to already retrograde Pluto in Capricorn this week, pushing you simultaneously further into both the past and future. How can this occur? No worries; time is an illusion. The sense of mergence you feel is real. Actual and virtual worlds collide in a metaphysical dance of transformation. Embrace it.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Ruling planet Uranus in fiery Aries in square aspect to metamorphic Pluto in earthy Capricorn is igniting fires and destroying façades all over the planet. Flames of death and rebirth, freedom and revolution prevail as we breathe in the smoke of revolutionary change. As standard-bearer of the Aquarian Age, you lead the pack. Stand tall and carry the light.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Mercury and Uranus join Pluto and Neptune in retrograde motion this week, pulling us collectively toward perspectives of nostalgia and “the way things were.” This is rich territory for review and recollection, to use as a tool for more active, effective living in the present. Personally, you may feel as if you’re in a type of physical stasis. Develop spirit and cultivate faith.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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