Gardeners, farmers, ranchers, water managers, hikers, bikers, pretty much anyone who spends time in the outdoors, will have noticed the lack of moisture this spring. We got a wee bit of rain early this week but as is often the case, there were torrential downpours causing mudslides in some places, hard rain in town and other spots that watched the rain go on by with just a few drops falling to disturb the sanctity of the dust.

“Gardening in Drought” is the topic for the next EcoAction Roundtable (EAR), Friday, July 8, 8:30 a.m. in the Program Room of the Wilkinson Public Library. We are very pleased to have Emily Kuehn and Kate Bolton, both trained in the CSU Extension Master Gardener Program, on hand to give a presentation that includes information about Master Gardeners, an update on drought conditions, and practical tips for garden design. They plan to cover all sorts of irrigation considerations since even the most drought-tolerant plants still need SOME water!

I plan to be there to talk about how drought affects the small farmer and rancher, discuss soil considerations, and describe permaculture and indigenous techniques to cope with low rainfall including Hugelkulture, swales, waffle gardens, water catchment, mulching, and more.

This timely topic affects everyone who wants to grow. Join us if that is you. Since breakfast is provided, please RSVP by facebook, email to or call 728-1340 by 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 7, so we have enough food for everyone. ( And we greatly appreciate donations.)

The EcoAction Roundtable (EAR) series is a monthly educational event co-sponsored by EcoAction Partners (formerly The New Community Coalition) and our 5-star Wilkinson Public Library, with assistance from Telluride Inside… and Out.

About EcoActions Partners:
EcoAction Partners is the region’s sustainability organization with programs focusing on energy efficiency and renewable energy, understanding waste as a resource (and working towards Zero Waste) and localizing our food supply. If you haven’t signed up for our EcoAction Initiative, a carbon footprint saving community program – you should!  Learn tools and techniques to save energy and monitor the results of changes!  EcoAction will help you save energy, money and be more comfortable in your own home or business. For more information or to sign up contact us at 728-5208, email or visit

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