28 Jun ALACAZEM2012.06.28
June 28 to July 5, 2012 Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Jupiter Evening: Mercury, Mars and Saturn
Fire and brimstone, apocalyptic heat, images of a world burning out of control. That’s what we’ve been dealing with these days in Colorado. And it couldn’t be more appropriate for the first of seven Uranus [ignition] in Aries [fire] Pluto [death and destruction] in Capricorn [earth and physical reality] squares. The heat is on!
Last Saturday afternoon my husband Richard and I rode our motorcycles up to Telluride town to meet up with friends from Steamboat, catch a free Bluegrass concert in Elks Park and make it to an early dinner at the Cosmo by 6:00 pm. Getting on the Harley felt good; I hadn’t been riding much, too busy. The day was super-hot and cloudless, perfect for a ride along the San Miguel and the promise of cooler temps at higher altitude.
The pavement snaked along the canyon, curving in tandem with the river in an almost hypnotic rhythm of natural and technological bliss. Blasts of hot air, tempered with an occasional cooling breeze, carried us to Placerville and then Fall Creek. At water tank turn, I started to smell smoke as the slanting sunlight changed in hue from yellow-white to dusty orange. A local forest in flames? Riding up Keystone Hill, it was obvious that something big had caught fire. The entire Telluride Valley was wrapped in smoke.
We found out shortly after arriving in town that a wildfire was burning near Mancos, just over the mountain. By the time we left that evening – near 8:00 pm. – ash had started to rain down upon the town. The setting western sun was crimson red. The ride home was cooler, but still plenty warm; I didn’t need a jacket. I felt a deep sense of sadness in my chest. A wildfire on the Front Range had already been burning near Fort Collins for two weeks, and with such severe lack of moisture all over the state, things did not look good. In Telluride I had joked with friends on the street – my TIO editor Clint included – that, after all, it was 2012. “Is this what the end of the world looks like?” he jested. I hope not.
In all this burning and heat, drought and dryness, let us help all those who need help, do what we can and say our prayers – however, wherever and whenever we can. It’s in the efforts and actions of people who care, the hope, peace and salvation of what is good, strong, loving and kind that keeps us going, moving forward on this planet. And for all those who lost homes, battle flames, save lives and help others, may you walk in beauty and find peace amidst the madness. God bless. And, hey, let’s dance for rain!
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) With love planet Venus and master teacher Saturn now moving direct, you can expect a change of heart and shift of priorities in your life and relationships. Positive thinking and uplifting communication are allies in the road ahead. Focus on goodness, inside and out, as you maintain daily schedules and practices. Balance and responsibility are keys to success.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) The time has come to treat yourself to some of life’s most enjoyable pastimes. Whether it’s taking a trip to a beautiful place, spending time with people you love or simply relaxing, go ahead and do it. The last few months have been a test of compassion, work and service. You’ve helped others out a lot and, in the process, come out with flying colors. Enjoy!
Gemini (May 21-June 21) You may feel more confident and capable this week as Venus in Gemini and Saturn in Libra are now moving in apparent forward motion. Personal charm and charisma are running high; others find you attractive and loveable. Indulge others and yourself in sweetness – a little chocolate, perhaps? Of course, self-discipline comes easy. It’s all about healthy boundaries.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) The first of seven Uranus/Pluto squares took place on June 24th; Saturn stationed direct on June 25th and Venus ended several weeks of retrograde on June 27th. This translates as plenty of challenge and change for Moonchildren, guided by the most magnificently beautiful guardian angel you can imagine. Embrace the cosmic flow, trust and keep the faith.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) With so much going on, you may feel as if the world is moving at warp speed and you are either sadly or happily missing the jet planes that zoom across the skyways. Whatever the mundane manifestation, spiritual awakenings and epiphanies abound. This is a very special time to be on planet Earth. You are gifted, blessed and exactly where you need to be.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) Love and beauty planet Venus going direct in your solar 10th house of achievement and recognition favors professional rewards and remuneration. Others see you as charming and attractive, capable and confident. And guess what? You are! Focus on positive solutions and optimistic attitudes as the world turns. Happiness is an inside job!
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) Master Teacher Saturn resumed forward motion on June 25th and ended a long five-month period – ouch! – of retrograde in Libra. Hurray! Trials, tests and tribulations as daily rigor is over but the practical, realistic, pragmatic approach to life we learned to use in the process has a place of honor in our spiritual toolbox. We are now happy, healthy and – just like Saturn – moving forward!
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Let’s face it, 2012 is all about awakening and transformation. Even if we don’t like it, aren’t happy about the way things are or feel sad, mad or furious in the process, we know we are standing on the brink of time’s illusionary precipice, waiting for what? Let go of anticipation and live fully in the now – it’s all we ever have. You are beautiful; enjoy your beautiful life!
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) Flying around out there all by yourself can be dangerous, challenging, awakening and ecstatic – all at once. A true adventurer, wanderer, discoverer and explorer, embrace the moment and seize the day. Life is for the living and you are 100% alive today. Venus now direct in your solar 7th house of relationships favors sweet, loving-kindness. Go for it.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) The first of seven Uranus [in Aries]/Pluto [in Capricorn] squares heralds a snap-crackle-pop era of personal awakening and change. Something deep inside is not just stirring, it’s igniting. The world has become your personal mirror and you see yourself in it all. Treat yourself kindly and with respect. Bring light to darkness, dance with beauty and sleep with love.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) A prolonged period of hard work and self-disciplined action comes to fruition as you see progress and accept the first rewards of satisfaction in a job well done. This is the first phase of a gradual climb to goal achievement and success. Feel the power of self-renewal as you commit to a path of heart. Doing good, being good and living good; you know it.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Love and beauty planet Venus now direct in your solar 4th house of family and personal self encourages everything and anything you can do to nurture and take care of heart and home. Happiness is an inside job, health is wealth and life’s simple pleasures are priceless. Today you are embraced, guided and comforted by the Mother Earth. Relax and enjoy her love.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride, where the stars are divine and the sunsets magnificent. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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