07 Jun ALACAZEM 2012.06.07
June 7 to 14, 2012 Visible Planets: Morning: jupiter Evening: Mercury, Mars and Saturn
The transit of Venus across the face of the Sun – our solar system’s primal, central star – last Tuesday, June 5th, was a stellar planetary event, and one that will not repeat itself for another 105 years.
The next transit of Venus is not due to happen again until 2117, and because we are now living on the highly advanced technological cusp of the Pisces/Aquarian Age, we are privy to images, information and insights that in previous times were simply unavailable or inaccessible. Hail, the Internet, with its cyberspace connection to outer space and inner space; scientists and theologians, spiritualists, occultists, atheists, metaphysicians and magicians.
The transit of Venus across the Sun was – and continues to be – a supernatural experience for me. Just like the day [May 20th] of the stunning annular solar eclipse, it was late afternoon and I was standing out in our yard, in direct line with our white-hot, brightly shining solar star, feeling the heat and basking in the glow. I donned my husband’s welding helmet, and looked right in the face of the Giver of Daylight, our Father Sun, the One Who Holds Us All Together on Mother Earth in the Family of Mankind, Plants, Rocks and Animals. There in the upper right corner was a small dot: the planet Venus! Something cosmic happened to me right then and there. I don’t know what it was, I can’t really explain it.
I felt connected to something larger and bigger, higher and sweeter, vast and phenomenal, beyond the beyond. I took off the helmet, closed my eyes and raised my hands to the sky. I took a deep breath and let it all come into my body and soul. My heart opened and I felt a warm, burning sensation, as if I was cleansing my heart with the pure light of spirit, the sunlight of eternity, the power of the ages. And then, I felt Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, mixing her heart with my heart, shining with sweet, loving-kindness, courage and compassion. Embracing and comforting, peaceful and serene. I smiled and felt blessed. The grace of a moment, the grandeur of gratitude, the mystery of humility and the magic of simplicity.
You, me, the world. It’s there for the taking. Love, peace and joy.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) Great gains come by looking at personal patterns of perceiving, thinking and communicating. How can you change the ways in which you react negatively to others, experience anger or feel hurt by what they do or say? Recognize the difference between what’s yours and what’s theirs as you embrace total responsibility for yourself and your life as it is today.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) Big buddy, generous giant, guardian spirit Jupiter moves through the last degrees of Taurus this week and waves goodbye to a year of personal growth and expanded consciousness. No need for sorrow. This past year is only the beginning of a fortuitous 12-year cycle; count your blessings, smile and be happy. Continue opening heart and mind, Explore the world.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Love patterns, personal talents and resources, and value systems in general come under heartfelt review as you take a poignant look at who you are today in the illuminating light of the past. People with whom you have partnered and shared your life return in the flesh or in spirit; communication is big now. Enjoy the review. It’s all exactly as it should be.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) The Gemini sun-time is full of emotion and feeling for Moonchildren and this year is no different. You may actually be more sensitive or in touch with feelings than ever. Recognize the connection between thoughts and emotions and examine the difference between negative and positive thinking. Fear comes via speculation and hypothesis. Live in the holy present.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) Planetary activity in your solar 11th house of friendship and camaraderie shines light on those with whom you share inspiration, common interest and spiritual support. Connect with and surround yourself by people you admire and respect. Osmosis is real, it’s a process of becoming. Choose wisely and act consciously as you travel a path of heart and soul.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) The forward motion of Mars in Virgo interacts with the retrograde movement of Venus through Gemini in a mutable square dance of metamorphic change. These are days of great opportunity, growth and epiphany, embrace each and every one of them as you do your best and follow your heart. Recognize internal goodness and share it with the world.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) Hallelujah! A break in the clouds, shimmering sunlight and glittering rainbows. The wild roller coaster ride of the previous month comes to a halt as planetary vibrations calm the waters and clear the air. Perspectives have shifted and perceptions have changed. You can see the value in each and every twist and turn, the ups and downs. Enjoy the view!
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) The Gemini zodiac month is forever a time of adjustment for the Scorpion. Relationships deepen as others invest and confide in you emotionally and spiritually. Great gains in intimacy, financial partnership and psycho-spirituality come via calm cooperation and sharing. Take your time, explore options and quietly work for the good of all concerned.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) A fertile, rich atmosphere of sharing ideas, communicating desires and attracting those with whom you can successfully interact and partner surrounds you now. Others want and are willing to engage and pair up in joint venture endeavors and experiences. Maintain inner and outer calm, focus on realistic equations and manage your life via attention and skill.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) Self-improvement – physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual – is where it’s at now. You are in a fortuitous position of great gain and growth regarding personal programs of self-betterment, especially when it comes to health – body, mind and spirit. You understand the interplay and interconnectedness of all life on planet Earth. Do good, be good and it’s all good.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Wild and wooly are two words that do not scare or frighten excitement oriented, thrill-seeking Aquarians. Isn’t that what makes life fun? Of course, there are limits to all shenanigans and entertainments. Today you understand the value of rest, relaxation and quality time with people you admire and respect. Take time to just be and enjoy simple pleasures. Yes!
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Challenges come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes they are welcomed and sometimes not. Whatever the latest, acceptance and gratitude are golden keys to experiencing the beauty and grace of life. Home life is the best life now. Happiness comes via life’s most simple pleasures. Feel the sunshine, enjoy the rain. See the rainbows and know all is as it should be.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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