May 2012

Editor's Note: Documentary's theme, population explosion, the subject of a Mountainfilm Moving Mountains Symposium, Friday, May 25 We like to put “mental” back in “environmental": John B. Calhoun Mountainfilm in Telluride 2012 opens with a bang. That would be the sound of the population bomb exploding. Among the...

Editor's note: The timing is perfect. A 3-part workshop about achieving goals with civility – an inflated version of  the theme of the carrot, not the stick idea – with Mountainfilm in Telluride just around  the corner. Mountainfilm is known to shine a spotlight on...

World Premieres, Free Shows, Art and Workshops Audiences from around the world come to Mountainfilm, but it’s still a homegrown event that inspires the Telluride community. As evidenced by the number of local premieres each year, regional filmmakers look forward to screening at Mountainfilm, and the festival,...

Editor's Note: Our Tall Tales contributor, Mark Stevens, is the author of "Antler Dust" and "Buried by the Roan." "Buried by the Roan" is a finalist for the 2012 Colorado Book Award. Both books are the shelves at Telluride's own Between the Covers Bookstore, 224...

Editor’s note: Kierstin Bridger is the 2011 winner of Telluride Arts’ Mark Fischer Poetry Prize and a regular contributor to Telluride Inside… and Out She joins our family of wonderful writers/poets, among them, Word Woman Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, “Feelosophy” major David Feela, and Denver-based writer...

Editor’s note: In 2011, for the fourth time in a row (and running), the Library Journal Index of Public Library Services, a public library rating system, designated Telluride’s Library a five-star institution. The Wilkinson Public Library ranked fifth in the nation among public libraries with...

Bikes are sexy. This is not an opinion; it’s a fact. And, I have evidence to prove it. Once, standing outside a Crested Butte coffee shop, in tight bike clothes with my yellow Labrador puppy, and my bike, a young man saw the trio and immediately...

Three years ago, Telluride Mountainfilm director David Holbrooke decided that Mountainfilm could do more. He created the Commitment Grant, a program that ensures important stories are not only told, but also heard. Since its inception, the grant has offered $5000 and a new Mac Book Pro...

Editor's note: Happy Mothers' Day. Poet/author David Feela sums up with the following tribute. His point: It is not necessarily about having it all. It is about doing it all, seamlessly and without fanfare. A mother's gallery of quotidian moments is rich with fine art. The...

Editor's note: Pat Bailey, pastor of Telluride's Christ Presbyterian Church, continues with his exploration of Spirituality with Religion. While this installment is not exactly a traditional tribute to Mother's Day, it is a tribute to the mother of us all: Mother Nature. His insistence on...