Finding the perfect pair of skis is like finding the perfect man. You know there are a lot of good ones out there, but only one for you. The problem is, you haven’t found them yet. All of your friends love their skis, so you ask them how they knew.

Some fell in love with their skis the first turn. They didn’t do any research or ask for others’ opinions, instead they found what was available, tried them out and — wa-bam – it was love at first sight. On their new skis, these friends rip. And to be honest, you’ve never seen them so happy. They recommend the same skis to you and you try them, but by the end of the first run, you know they’re not right. You see what your friends see in them, but you don’t make that same connection. They’re a little stiff underfoot, a little too dominant. You’re looking for something more forgiving.

Other friends simply stick to what they know. These are the friends who, with men, always date the same type — so much so, that you keep calling the new boyfriend the old boyfriend’s name. These women will only date blonds, or boarders, or blond boarders.  When the discussion of new skis comes up, they’ll say things like, “I guess I’m just a K2 girl,” or “I only ski Volkl.” These women always seem content, but this isn’t your style; you want to shake it up a bit.

Then you have the friends who just make it work. They pick up a pair of beat up skis at the swap or take their friend’s hand-me-downs. They spend lift rides convincing you how great they are. You know they’re happy to have skis, and the current ones are better than the last, but you’re not sure it’s going to work out. You respect their determination, but know you need to search elsewhere.

So you keep trying new skis. You demo. Some days you even speed-demo, trying multiple skis in one day.  First, it’s the Rossignol 7S’s. They’re fun initially, especially in the powder, but when the snow firms up, you think they have too much rocker. So you try the Armadas and are immediately impressed with their graphics. They turn nice in chutes, but by the second day you pine for something with a little more side cut. Next, it’s the Volkl Mantras. They’re confident yet understated, but when push comes to shove, you want a pair of skis that performs better in the pow.

Your quest for the perfect ski continues, yet you can’t find a pair that can do it all. Then it dawns on you. Maybe you have unrealistic expectations. Maybe it’s impossible to expect one pair of skis to do all of the things you want. Maybe to satisfy your desires, you need two pairs — one pair of everyday, all-mountain skis with a little side cut and another pair of fat, powder boards with some rocker.

Then you think about your man. About the different conditions in which you want him to be at his best. And you recognize,  just like with your skis, it’s unfair to have all of those expectations of him. The realization comes to you: There may be a few pair of skis right for you, but there’s still just one guy.

It does make you wonder though, what if you could have two of him as well?

Snow Sunday is a weekly column by Jesse James McTigue and sponsored by Jagged Edge intended to deliver tips, news, musings and stories about the people, places, events and experiences that make the Telluride winter an epic adventure.



  • Kristin
    Posted at 13:29h, 04 March

    I thoroughly enjoyed this!

  • kim
    Posted at 17:45h, 06 March

    Awesome, Jesse! Love it.