30 Mar ALACAZEM 2012.03.29
March 29 to April 5, 2012 Visible Planets: Saturn Evening: Venus, Mars and Jupiter
Last week I wrote about retrograde planets and how, this year, spring – although it has definitely sprung – is feeling less wild, reckless and impatient than usual. The primal thrust of Aries is more cautious and curious, we are acting with forethought and concern; the cosmos favors patience and perseverance rather than impulse and instinct. This slower pace is soon set to change, however, as both mental Mercury and motivator Mars are both gearing up to go direct in April.
Planet Mercury went retrograde on March 12th @ 06º 49’ Aries and goes direct on April 4th @ 23º51’ Pisces. Mercury rules thought and perception, communication, health, medicine, transportation and travel. Mars went retrograde on Jan. 23rd @ 23º05’ Virgo and goes direct on April 14th @ 03º41’ Virgo. Mars rules the self and ego, motive, desire and will. It’s all about survival and what we do to get our needs met. It’s what gets us up out of bed and moving in our day. Mars also rules the cardinal fires sign of Aries, AKA the Vernal Equinox and season of spring. Both Mercury (mind) and Mars (physical vitality) are “personal” planets and we feel them personally – body, mind and spirit.
The combination of these two planets retrograde at the same time translates as a period of mental self-reflection and review, possible clouded, troubled or confused thinking regarding one’s self-image or sense of self, miscommunication or the lack of desire to communicate, low energy, lack of confidence and/or motivation, and a pervasive awareness that things just aren’t working out the way we want them to. It’s as if a rev-limiter has been put on the throttle and we can’t go as fast or as far as we might like; it’s a reevaluation and reduction of passion and power.
So if you’re feeling a little slower out of the gate, less inspired to create, swimming in circles, under water or under the weather – you can do as I do – blame it on the stars! And, remember, like all cycles and seasons, this too shall pass…
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) As birthdays continue, you may find yourself returning to programs of service and self-improvement. Mars retrograde in your solar 6th house of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health favors personal inventories that identify behaviors that cause suffering for yourself and others, followed by forgiveness, acceptance and pro-active change.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) With love and money planet Venus sharing the romantic evening twilight with magnanimous, benevolent planet Jupiter in your sign, count your blessings and fill your heart with gratitude. This is the beginning of a fortuitous twelve-year cycle that promises great good fortune to those who practice honesty, cultivate goodness and simply do the next right thing.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Guardian angels, benevolent spirits and seasonal divas infuse the season with grace and grandeur. Take some time out for quiet, high quality meditation and relaxation. Divinely inspired messages come to you via slumbering dream states and awakened synchronicity. Pay attention to the people in and circumstances of your life now. Feel gratitude and embrace grace.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) As the Moon waxes toward full, Moonchildren may feel the strong pull of social and professional obligations and responsibilities. Soul and psyche call out for achievement and recognition as you identify goals and work toward their manifestation. Great support can be found amongst friends and fellowships. Participate, share and work with others also on the path.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) Professional opportunities continue to entice and entertain you as sweet, good luck planets Venus and Jupiter dance together in your solar 10th house of career. You are moving through a cycle of expansion and exploration here, involved a process of redefinition and re-creation when it comes to work and achievement. Cultivate patience, and take your time.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) Motivator Mars retrograde in your sign continues to be the biggest astrological news for Virgos this month. Take note of all the people, issues and behavior patterns that have resurfaced and returned for you to review, reassess and revise. This is happening for good reason. You are being given the auspicious opportunity to finally get it right. Hallelujah!
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) The last week of Mercury retrograde encourages the final status review and reevaluation of your current life and relationships. The most empowering choice here is to accept total responsibility for the shape and condition of it all. By identifying your part in the creation and maintenance of these things, you are free. No more blame game – congrats!
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) As March moves into April, spring springs with its characteristic push and pull, shift and shove. This year, however, several planets retrograde may retard or restrict both the motion and the mojo. The strategy: take your time, cultivate patience and when things don’t work out the way you’ve planned, count your blessings. Everything happens for a reason.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) The Aries sun-time gifts you with an uncharacteristically slower pace and significantly longer race than usual when it comes to romantic relationships, creative projects and pleasure in general. Professional responsibilities and/or lack of them, recurring difficulties or conflicts with bosses or employees may be dampening the fun. Hang in there, the weather will change!
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) While your creative and romantic quotient may be healthy and high, you may find that somehow you are being prevented from reaping what you sow. Cultivate patience and take a good look at how you arrived to where you are today. Perhaps it’s time to make amends, reassess performance and accept responsibility for your part in what went wrong. It’s cool.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Weather, wind and natural, seasonal conditions may hold you back or keep you from doing the things you think you need to do now. Relax and regroup, there’s no point in fighting Mother Nature. Rather than stew and stress, work on inside projects or those that require mental rather than physical effort. Put your mind and ingenuity to test and succeed with flying colors!
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Mental Mercury retrograde in the late degrees of Pisces may cast a mysterious shadow on your thoughts, communications and ideas. You may find yourself reviewing childhood behavior patterns and haunts via virtual or actual means and methods. Examine the past, but don’t get stuck there. Learn from experience, but embrace the vibrant, living present.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on an organic tree farm 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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