01 Mar ALACAZEM: 2012.03.01
March 1 to 8, 2012
Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn Evening: Venus, Mars and Jupiter
Telluride is all a-buzz this week with the 19th Annual Telluride AIDS Benefit and all its related events; fashion and art shows, auctions, trunk sales, ski races and – all over town – parties. Gorgeous models and cutting edge couture, magical sets, rousing runways and up-beat music; all pieces of the juicy pie that we know today as TAB.
For almost 10 years now, I’ve watched my beautiful niece Allie, give her time and energy as a model and ardent supporter of this stellar philanthropic event. And I admire and appreciate her efforts, as I admire and appreciate everyone who contributes – in whatever way they choose – to the fundraising and implementation of the education, prevention and awareness in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Many of us have been touched by the sweeping arm of this worldwide pandemic. In the autumn of 1998, my younger brother, James Nicholas, died due to HIV-related causes. He was 43 years old.
This year my sister Pam – Allie’s mother – has designed and fabricated several stunning “vintage” styled kitchen aprons to be auctioned off over the weekend. She’s an excellent seamstress with an artistic spirit and a meticulous eye. Needless to say, her products are far and away above and beyond anything on the market today. She brought them down and showed them to me with her characteristic humility. “Maybe no one will buy them, who knows?” she said. Ha! “Are you kidding?” I asked. “They’ll be bought up like hotcakes.” If you happen to be lucky enough to be in the place and space when and where these hot items hit the auction block, you’ll know what I mean. Look for the label Pamela Ann…these are prototypes in a new fashion line. Debuting @ TAB…
Happy Fashion week and thanks so much to all who pitch in and support this fabulous endeavor and cause. Blessings, joy and peace…
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19)
Mental Mercury enters your sign this week as voluptuous Venus leaves it. As a result, you may find yourself talking, thinking and joking your way into a more committed or stable romantic relationship. Take a good look at personal finances and identify more effective and efficient means of management. A little goes a long way when it comes to spending.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
Love planet Venus enters your sign this week to join good luck planet Jupiter, setting the stage for happy, rewarding romantic and financial encounters and relationships. Keep your eyes and heart open when it comes to working with others, negotiating deals and settling disputes. Creative efforts are favored; it’s a great time to focus and be productive.
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Mars retrograde in Virgo continues to favor clean-up and fix-up on the home front, as well as programs of personal self-improvement and self-care. Healthy diets, daily routines and physical exercise promote and enhance holistic wellness and well-being. This is a great time to finally lose that weight, organize messes, discard excess and finish projects.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Magnetic, romantic Venus in fiery Aries opposes stringent, strict Saturn in ethereal Libra before entering sensual Taurus this week, icing the cake when it comes to relationships of personal significance and authority. You may finally see that attempts to control or dictate action to others – specifically family members – simply does not work. Let go and accept.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Opportunities to explain and express your personal point of view regarding your and other’s responsibility and accountability in relationships abound. You may feel experience rather explosive and exciting opinions and encounters with others as you do. Maintain inner calm and proceed with confidence. Honesty is the best policy, be true.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
The personal inner work that you have become so familiar with continues to be the best and most rewarding path to follow. While it may feel as if you are simply treading water, in reality, you are making great progress. The old adage “sink or swim” is appropriate here; it’s actually a life and death struggle between good and evil. Hang in there; you’re beautiful and blessed!
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22)
Planetary shifts and activity in the relationship sectors of your solar chart encourage interactions and exchanges with others now. A calming sense of balance and inner peace comes with a realistic assessment and understanding of others. You know today that expectations are often set-ups for disappointment and resentment. Count your blessings; seize the day.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Working for your own self-betterment is a theme this week as you see the great good fortune of true, honest self-care vs. patterns of denial and self-destruction. You are protected and guided by guardian spirits and angelic presence. It’s your job to do the daily maintenance, both physical and spiritual, as you travel the golden path of truth, heart and gratitude.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Fun and laughter are medicinal and spiritually uplifting as fleet-footed Mercury flitters into your solar 5th house of the romantic encounters and creative endeavors. Maintain a healthy sense of humor as you weave your way through daily trials and triumphs. As you know, everything is temporary – including life – and it’s best to make the best of what comes. Enjoy!
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
A rather exciting and unpredictable week presents itself and you may discover great success when it comes to changing personal patterns of expectation regarding others. Love conquers all and outweighs personal desires and disappointments. Focus on positive solutions, individual responsibility and programs of self-care. Live free, let go and let God.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)
Home life is the good life now as love planet Venus enters your solar 4th house of family and personal self. Programs of self-care and domestic enhancement bring great pleasure and give you a deep sense of satisfaction and comfort. Stability and accountability are themes. Maintain daily routines and schedules as you discover the miracle of grace.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20)
Thinking about yourself and your personal agendas for the last few weeks? Take note of a subtle but major shift from self-desire to self-satisfaction as mental Mercury promotes programs of self-sufficient productivity and creative work. Dreams manifest now via focus and responsibility. Breakthroughs continue and perseverance furthers.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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