Editor’s note: Telluride High School (super star) alum Charlotte Delpit is now the the Subsidized Coordinator for Brown University initiative, Brown Market Shares Program, now among the top 15 finalists for “Campus Champions of Change Challenge,” sponsored by the White House. Support her and her colleagues by imbedding this link in your browser and following the easy instructions: http://campuschallenge.uservoice.com/forums/148562-campus-champions-of-change-challenge. We just did, giving her our six votes, 3 from me and 3 from Clint. Below is the email I received from Charlotte, telling her story.
I am so happy to announce that the Brown Market Shares Program (my job that I love!) has been selected from thousands of applicants as a top 15 finalist for the Campus Champions of Change Challenge, sponsored by the White House! The Challenge recognizes students doing good work on college campuses around the country. We applied for the challenge months ago on a whim, and were so thrilled to receive a call from the White House just days ago. After first inquiring whether the phone call was fake, I realized our accomplishment and am so glad to be able to publicly celebrate our work! Please help our program by casting your vote and publicizing the voting process to your network! Voting ends on March 3rd, and the top 5 finalists will be recognized in a ceremony at the White House, which would be an incredible opportunity for our program.
Here’s a little more information about us!
The Brown Market Shares Program connects Brown students, staff, and faculty with weekly shares of locally-grown and sourced, sustainable, and delicious produce, bread and dairy. We serve nearly 1,000 Brown community members through our full-pay and subsidized share programs. We believe strongly that all people should have access to healthy, local food, regardless of socioeconomic status. Our food is sourced from environmentally conscious farms that are primarily located within a 20-mile radius of our campus. BMSP has received two C.V. Starr Fellowships for Social Innovation through the Brown University Swearer Center for Public Service, and our work has been featured in the Brown Daily Herald and in Providence Business News. Our program was created by students in 2006 and continues to be entirely student-led by a seven-person coordinating team and a small army of volunteers. From 2010 to 2012, BMSP has invested over $250,000 in the local economy. BMSP is truly unique in its structure, efficacy, and impact on the lives of farmers and participants!
Thank you again for your support in this voting process! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments!
Charlotte. 970-708-9690
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