Experience the yoga of photography with storyteller Memphis Barbree, whose biography also describes an adventurer, Reiki master, student of Mother Nature , and yogi.

One definition of yoga (out of Desikachar’s “The Heart of Yoga”) is any action done with uninterrupted, undivided attention. In her upcoming photography workshop at the Ah Haa School for the Arts (Wednesday, March 14 – Friday, March 16, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.), the goal is not simply a mastery of technique, but also a mastery of feeling.  To do that means making images with our whole selves –  sight, hearing, touch, emotions, thoughts and dreams – connecting with our subjects with full focus, i.e. with uninterrupted, undivided attention.

Telluride’s winter beauty is the perfect landscape to explore – camera in hand – and delve into the quiet mysteries of the natural world. Memphis plans to help students see the stories that wait to be told in every drift of snow, in each frosted blade of grass and record not just what is seen, but the feelings associated with the subject matter.

“I practice listening to and feeling the world around me as I make photographs. Photography is a practice of meditation for me, it is also an act of loving, honoring, devoting myself to whatever it is I am photographing. I travel the Earth looking and feeling below surfaces, delving into the nature of life and the life of nature,” says Memphis.

Memphis’s preferred visual storytelling medium is black-and-white photography, but she does not hesitate to create with color or photograph in documentary style if that’s what is needed to tell a story.

“I am a lover of the craft of the print and create my photographic prints personally using processes based on traditional darkroom techniques and adapted to current technology and digital tools.”

The workshop covers science and technique of camera image making; human perception and camera dynamic range; translation between camera and human perception; understanding the zone system for exposure as a key to, well, everything; the grayscale and color space; reading histograms; contrast and texture.

To register and for a full listing of the Ah Haa visiting artists schedule visit, or call (970) 728-3886.

To learn more about Memphis Barbree, click the “play” button and listen to our chat:

1 Comment
  • Audrey Barbree
    Posted at 16:37h, 22 February

    Memphis, you are a wonderful person and your interview was very good. The Photography that you do, are an expression of the wonderful world we live in. The Sky, The Water, The mountians. The Oil Spill Photos showed all the distruction That happened and the wild life that suffered from the spill. One day you photos will be shown all over the world. Keep up the good photos.