Artist Bruce Gomez, an unapologetic sensualist, uses sandpaper on cold-pressed watercolor paper to create a signature shimmering velour effect on his canvases. The pastelist was one of the first artists Will and Hilary Thompson signed for their stable when they opened for business in 1985 as the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art. Since then, Telluride has been Bruce’s second home (his primary address is Denver) and a favorite muse for his trademark landscapes.
If you’ve admired Bruce Gomez’s work or simply want to learn how to work the medium of pastel to produce your own masterpieces of the masterpiece that is Telluride, Bruce is scheduled to teach a three-day intensive, Winter Pastel Landscape Painting, at the Ah Haa School for the Arts, where he has instructed for nearly 20 years.
Bruce’s upcoming class is scheduled for Friday – Sunday, February 10 – February 12, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. All levels welcome, because Bruce is very dexterous: He can easily teach basics to beginners, while giving skilled artists all the attention they require.
An honorary local, Bruce has been the poster boy for the Telluride Jazz Celebration, the Telluride Wine Festival, and the Telluride Chamber Music Festival. The interview below was recorded in August 2009. In addition to talking about the art he created for Chamber Music that year, Bruce details his background as an artist and his technique. Just click the “play” button.
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