The Telluride Mushroom Festival is offering discounted full-weekend pass tickets for its annual four-day event to San Miguel County residents through the month of January.
“Having just received CCAASE funding for the festival this coming summer, we’d like to offer local residents a special discount price,” explained festival co-director Art Goodtimes.
The full price for a four-day pass to the Shroomfest will be $175 per person. Various early discounts will be available at www.shroomfest.com
But we are offering a special price of $125 to San Miguel County residents (as well as neighboring folks in Ridgway and Rico) until the end of this month. To take advantage of this special deal, folks will need to call or email Art Goodtimes at 970–327-4767, shroompa@paleohippie.com and be prepared to pay by check through snail mail. The website will not have this special discount available.
“We’re already excited about Shroomfest 2012. Kat Harrison, Gary Lincoff, David Arora, and K Trout are confirmed speakers,” said co-director Scott Koch. “We hope you’ll join us.”
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