Satisfaction at Sheridan Opera House tonight, Sunday, Jan.15, 2012
Paying tribute to the World’s Greatest Rock and Roll Band is no small feat. The Rolling Stones are a brimming package of a band, stuffed with huge personalities, dangerous proclivities, an aura of dark romance and adventure, and some of the best riffs ever conceived in rock and roll. They are the stuff of legend.
To legions of singers, guitarists and drummers who play rock and roll, The Rolling Stones represent a pinnacle to strive for in one’s music. It is a rare band that doesn’t have at least one Stones song in its repertoire. And the process of selecting that song and doing it well is to honor what has been written.
And that’s what Satisfaction does: The International Rolling Stones Show is all about — the honor. The group returns to the Sheridan Opera House this Sunday, January 15 at 8 p.m. Last December’s show sold out, which says as much about the power of the Stones as it does about this talented group that delivers the Stones canon with flair and grit.Tribute bands are somewhat surprisingly successful. Every tribute band that has played Telluride has done well and the range of audience appeal has been wide. Michael Jackson, Guns and Roses, Neil Diamond, Crosby Stills, Nash and Young, Led Zeppelin … every one of these shows was not only well-attended (sell-outs in most cases) but still come up in conversation.
One listen to the audio sample on the International Rolling Stones Show website illustrates how well they convey that classic Stones sound. Show founder and Mick Jagger role-player Chris LeGrand’s inflections and phrasing capture Jagger’s style uncannily. And let’s face it folks, a lot of guitarists can play in Open G a la Keith Richards, but if you can’t do Mick, you can’t do the Stones. Sure, plenty of decent bands do the Stones decently. But this show is beyond imitation – it is reverence.
The band is tight. Sure, they’re going to lack the loose-limbed sloppiness that can be a charming hallmark of any given live Stones gig. While legends can be forgiven (easily, in this case) what people really want to hear – if they’re not actually watching the Rolling Stones — are those classic Stones songs done really, really well. And that’s what this group gives you.
Face it … the real Rolling Stones are a ticket too few of us can afford. Their days on the road are numbered. Their creative apex is behind them. We will get our Satisfaction right here, this Sunday.
The folks at the Sheridan Opera House have agreed that local youth need to be welcomed with open arms to live music events, and for this incredibly special show are offering a discounted ticket for students in the local school district, including the Telluride Mountain School. For young people serious about exploring music, seeing this group perform the Rolling Stones will, indeed, be an education. Student tickets will be available at the door only at 7:30 p.m.
Adult general admission tickets are $23 and available at sheridanoperahouse.com or by calling 970-728-6363.
Let’s rock and roll, people. Seek Satisfaction at: http://www.rollingstoneshow.com/index.html
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