The New Community Coalition has been around the Telluride region since 2007. As the Sustainability Coordinator for the region I’ve been pleased to have a full, strong work load that addresses all areas of sustainability: environmental, social and economic. After 5 years, some in the community know us well, come to our events like Green Business Roundtables, Local Libations and Green Home Tours – and some participate in our EcoAction Initiative to save energy and money in your home. I get stopped at least once a week by someone wanting to express their thanks and appreciation. Yet there are others who don’t know us or what we do.
Regular posts in Telluride Inside… and Out are one way to get out information about what we are up to. We’re very excited to be on a regular schedule with TIO from here on out. Look for us every other Wednesday.
This week, TNCC launches Local Libations at the Steaming Bean. The gathering is another opportunity to share what we’re passionate about with the community. This week’s theme is how artists can interact with the natural environment to affect change. Look forward to simple discussions of events in the region and around the world that affect our local- to- global sustainability efforts. It’s a time to gather, share, discuss, and create actions.
And there’s more!
Starting now, in December, and running every other week – the weeks we are not posting on TIO – I am hosting “Local Solutions” on KOTOfm. That program, every other Monday, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., is a mix of conversation and tunes, tidbits and advice. Local non-profits will come on the show with their stories. They are scheduled to talk not just about what they doing right now to be green, but also about the hows and whys of their organization. What impact do they have in our community? What dreams and visions keep them moving forward in a sometimes thankless world? They’ll be bringing in some of their own favorite tunes as well to keep things interesting and well-rounded. We’ll start with the non-profits, but will open up “Local Solutions” to anyone who has a great story, idea or project that relates to our green-tinted theme.
The New Community Coalition has a few other ideas up its sleeve (or sleeves because everyone in the office is active): a Walk- the- Talk routine to get me out of the office for a lunchtime stroll with others who want the exercise and a chance to share. Sustainability Action Cafes start up again soon and we’ll continue with the very popular Green Business Roundtable series, the brainchild of Colleen Trout.
It does indeed take a village and our little region is one of the best. We have lots to share, to show and lots to do. So follow us on TIO and listen in to KOTO (91.7, 89.3, 105.5, 89.5 on your FM dial and www.koto.org ) to connect with The New Community Coalition for “Local Solutions.”
Angela kakabeeke
Posted at 08:33h, 15 MayHi,
I am a graduate student in sustainability and am researching sustainability councils in resorts locations. I am currently living in Steamboat and have heard wonderful things about the work you all are doing in telluride. I was hoping to get some information from you regarding the work you are doing and mostly, how you got this all started. Any information you could pass on would be greatlly appreciated.
Thank you,